
Thu, 09/03/2023 - 01:51
Yesterday (March 7, 2023) two big things happened. The first is that I got a lovely bunch of sunflower blooms for my birthday present. Which was ace. The second, the RBA Board wheeled out the governor to announce the 10th consecutive interest rate rise even though inflation has been falling for several months. The RBA has now become preposterous and the Government should definitely terminate the tenure of the Governor in September when his term is up for renewal. In the meantime, it should clean the RBA Board out, or introduce legislation that says each member including the governor gets the real disposable loss that they are imposing on the worker deducted in percentage terms from their own salaries. A further deduction would be made (quantum to be determined) for each percentage point the unemployment rate rises. That might give them pause for thought. The music segment will definitely lift your spirits after reading through the following gloom..…
William Mitchell — Modern Monetary Theory
RBA is engineering one of the largest cuts to real disposable income per capita in our history
Thu, 09/03/2023 - 01:45

 The Digital Age, knowledge revolution, and data harvesting are embraced by the Chinese leadership as national policy. This is an huge step in getting numbers on a whole system in real time.

New ‘Digital China’ vision a response to US tech curbs as authorities outline a ‘whole nation’ approach to going digital 

Asia Times
China’s grand plan for a world-beating digital future
Jeff Pao

Thu, 09/03/2023 - 01:24
‘Tories are not very good at chasing out asylum seekers, we’ll be better at it’ sums up hideous message – and not a peep about safe and legal routes so asylum seekers don’t have to risk lives in boats Keir Starmer’s Labour has been rightly slammed today for responding to the Tories’ racist scapegoating of […]
Thu, 09/03/2023 - 01:00
Fox and the diary of a madwoman The newest document dump from the $1.6 billion Dominion Voting Systems defamation lawsuit against Fox is news the network’s viewers won’t see. A flood of incriminating texts and emails between Fox staffers reveals how much the network caved to pressure to feed viewers what they wanted to hear rather than the truth. The internal texts also reveal how much network top executives knew the 2020 election fraud narrative Donald Trump and network anchors promoted was bullshit. This text in particular will have a hard time finding its way to Tucker Carlson’s fans (Washington Post): “We are very, very close to being able to ignore Trump most nights,” prime-time host Tucker Carlson texted a colleague on Jan. 4, 2021. “I truly can’t wait.” Carlson, who had shared private meetings with the president and defended him on-air, added in a text: “I hate him passionately. … What he’s good at is destroying things. He’s the undisputed world champion of that. He could easily destroy us if we play it wrong.” Fox’s founder knew it too.
Thu, 09/03/2023 - 00:55

Three climate activists in two separate trials have been sent to jail by Judge Silas Reid using the entirely arbitrary powers of Contempt of Court, because they insisted on telling the jury that their protests had been motivated by the climate crisis and fuel poverty. Juries are an essential safeguard from injustice by the state. […]

The post Fascist Judges appeared first on Craig Murray.

Thu, 09/03/2023 - 00:53
Open Rights Group has responded to the publication of a new draft of the Data Protection and Digital Information Bill. The revised Bill fails to address the privacy concerns raised by civil society, and in fact expands the ways that businesses and government bodies can process, use and re-use our data. Policy manager Abigail Burke […]
Thu, 09/03/2023 - 00:00

“I’m Fine”

Of course, I’m not fine.
I am sick of asking you.
Load the dishwasher.

- - -

“You Look Tired Today”

Okay, it’s my turn.
You look tired today, David.
How does it feel now?

- - -

“I Can’t Find It”

Did you look for it?
Did you really look for it?
Did you even try?

- - -

“I Think You’re Overreacting”

Seriously, Brad?
You are underreacting.
Maybe you suck ass.

- - -

“Don’t You Want to Have Kids Someday?”

And wreck my body,
my finances, and my life?
No thank you, Susan.

- - -

“She’s Crazy”

Oh, I understand.
So, you’re the problem. Not her.
I’d get that checked out.

Wed, 08/03/2023 - 23:51


Mr Haney debriefs Powell yesterday to identify the GOP dream scenario for 2024:

Dementia Brandon telling Fed to “stay the course!”, while Pocahontas not so sure:

Wed, 08/03/2023 - 23:40
. The economic implications of gender discrimination are most serious. To deny women is to deprive a country of labor​ and talent, but — even worse — to undermine the drive to achievement of boys and men. One cannot rear young people in such wise that half of them think themselves superior by biology, without […]
Wed, 08/03/2023 - 23:31

On Bonfire Night 2020, the University of Manchester undertook extreme measures against Covid-19 at students’ first-year halls complex in Fallowfield. The university erected £11,000 worth of metal fencing to divide Fallowfield’s halls and block its exits, increased security presence and implemented strict ID checks for students leaving and arriving at their accommodation.  Students who were […]

Wed, 08/03/2023 - 23:15
This International Women’s Day, ORG is celebrating the critical contributions made by the women on our staff (and all women across the digital rights space) to making technology, and in turn the world, more equitable, diverse, and inclusive. This day also presents an important opportunity to highlight the challenges that women continue to face across […]