- by Psyche Film
- by Aeon Video
Democrats back Biden on Ukraine while dissent spreads within the GOP.
The post Virtue Signaling as a War Policy appeared first on The Intercept.
- by Carrie Ditzel
Η γενικευμένη λιτότητα επιβλήθηκε στην Ευρώπη, όχι από τους Χριστιανοδημοκράτες-Συντηρητικούς αλλά, από τo SPD – τους Γερμανούς σοσιαλδημοκράτες. Την αρχή έκανε τo 2002 ο Καγκελάριος Σρέντερ με σκληρές επιθέσεις εναντίον των γερμανών εργαζόμενων εκατομμύρια των οποίων καταδικάστηκαν στην επισφαλή, κακοπληρωμένη, μερικής απασχόλησης εργασία (μέσω των «μεταρρυθμίσεων» Hartz 4 που σχεδίασε ο τότε διευθύνων σύμβουλος της […]
The post ΜέΡΑ25: Δεν ξεχνάμε πως την Λιτότητα την εισήγαγαν οι Γερμανοί σοσιαλδημοκράτες – το SPD, στο οποίο κάποιοι «προοδευτικοί» σήμερα καταθέτουν διαπιστευτήρια appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.
This is a story as old, and probably older, than civilization and isn’t unique to elites.
It is the question of group interest versus individual interest; or national interest versus internal group interest.
National advantages have to be sustained. If you have a technological lead, you don’t give that lead to another nation which is a competitor. If you have a production lead, you don’t help a competitor improve its production anywhere near close to yours. You may give them something from the prior tech generation, maybe, but never the current one.
This is unfortunate, a better world could be created with more sharing, but that would require a world in which nations and elites don’t compete with each other in devastating ways.
Here I go again - visiting the home of my first 20 years, Cornwall.
I went this time last year as soon as the flights had resumed after all that covid bullshit. I flew home and caught covid at the Blue Anchor. I had never been as sick …
TheAnalysis discussion April 21 2023, Debt and the Collapse of Antiquity – Michael Hudson, By Colin Bruce Anthes Colin Bruce Anthes Welcome to theAnalysis. I’m Colin Bruce Anthes. In a minute, we’ll be taking a first look at Michael Hudson’s new book, The Collapse of Antiquity. Michael Hudson When the emperors cancelled the debts, it was largely Continue Reading
The post Balancing Individualism with Egalitarianism first appeared on Michael Hudson.