Mon, 17/04/2023 - 06:30
Right wing legal extremists have a cunning plan to “fix” the border Gregg Abbot hasn’t signed off on it yet but he’s ready: One of the more insidious elements of Texas’ attempt to annex immigration enforcement away from the federal government comes down to its justification. Proponents, like the author of the hard-line HB20, state Rep. Matt Schaefer (R), say that Texas faces an “invasion” from Mexico, specifying that drug cartels trafficking fentanyl constitute a threat to the state of Texas. It’s not only a way to inflate the sense of crisis and potentially set the stage for a sea change in national immigration policy; it could, far-right lawmakers theorize, allow the state to seize border enforcement powers from the federal government. During an invasion, the Constitution says, states have a right to defend themselves. Declaring an invasion under Article 1, Section 10 of the U.S.