
Thu, 19/01/2023 - 00:00
The postwar welfare state, with its implicit recognition of human need, produced public domains and clinical spaces in which the state was cast as maternal surrogate to a population of child citizens. If Nazism had demonstrated the triumph of the superego’s capacity to punish, with ‘Hitler daddy’ as the authoritarian father, only a maternal approach could avert future catastrophe.
Thu, 19/01/2023 - 00:00
If political advantage were the only consideration, you would expect the government to quickly settle disputes where the strikers have public support. A poll at the end of last year suggested that 66 per cent of people support striking nurses, with only 28 per cent opposed. That the government hasn’t come to an agreement with the Royal College of Nursing suggests either that they are poor tacticians, or that they are unwilling to countenance tax rises, no matter the cost to public services.
Thu, 19/01/2023 - 00:00
Vivekananda might have styled himself as an avatar of timeless Eastern wisdom, but he was a creature of steam trains and ocean liners. In the years between his appearance at the World’s Parliament of Religions in Chicago and his early death in 1902, he became the face of a quintessentially modern – because newly global – form of religiosity.
Thu, 19/01/2023 - 00:00
Samuel Adams was an ascetic, indifferent to worldly baubles, decent comforts, respectable clothing. His republican vision for Massachusetts was forbiddingly austere, not an open marketplace free of intrusive British taxation, but what he termed, uninvitingly, a ‘Christian Sparta’. Religion was not then a private matter of belief unrelated to political attitudes.
Wed, 18/01/2023 - 23:00
“It will be difficult to make an entire class completely ChatGPT cheatproof. But we can at least make it harder for students to use it to cheat.” (I’m reposting this to encourage those teaching philosophy courses to share what they are doing differently this semester so as to teach effectively in a world in which their students have access to ChatGPT. It was originally published on January 4th.) That’s Julia Staffel (University of Colorado, Boulder) in a helpful video she has put together on ChatGPT and its impact on teaching philosophy. In it, she explains what ChatGPT is, demonstrates how it can be used by students to cheat in ways that are difficult to detect, and discusses what we might do about it. You can watch it below: See our previous discussions on the topic: Conversation Starter: Teaching Philosophy in an Age of Large Language Models  If You Can’t Beat Them, Join Them: GPT-3 Edition Oral Exams in Undergrad Courses? Talking Philosophy with ChatGPT Philosophers On GPT-3 (updated with replies by GPT-3)
Wed, 18/01/2023 - 22:49

As ministers turn their focus to cutting away at workers’ basic civil liberties and waging war on their trade unions, the NHS crisis—said to be resulting in hundreds of deaths every week—continues. At the base of that crisis are a series of political decisions to underfund the health service and undervalue the workers within it. […]