
Mon, 16/01/2023 - 21:43

The Strikes (Minimum Service Levels) Bill is extraordinary for the power it gives to the government to deny to workers what is universally regarded as a fundamental human right.    A remarkably short measure of only six pages, the Bill replaces the now redundant Transport (Minimum Service Levels) Bill introduced only three months ago. That, in […]

Mon, 16/01/2023 - 19:00
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January 16th, 2023next

January 16th, 2023: February 1st will be the TWENTIETH ANNIVERSARY of Dinosaur Comics.

Mon, 16/01/2023 - 17:05
a much loved old bicycle of mine from 2010
Bicycles I have loved

During the early 90s I read a biographical account by a young man who journeyed around the world on his bicycle. Like all my favourite books I gave it away at some point and have regretted it ever since. I cannot remember the name of the …

Mon, 16/01/2023 - 11:30
They’re selling “anti-wokeness” (whatever that is) as the new anti-communism I think way more than half the country doesn’t have the vaguest idea what they’re going on about. Basically, it’s all about preserving white nationalist patriarchy by obsessing over youthful cultural changes they don’t understand. Here’s Banks’ formal announcement of the “anti-woke caucus.” A congressman proposes a bold approach to pushing back against the Progressive infection in our institutions. We no longer live in a normal America. The issues that Congress used to take up, like healthcare, the economy, or our withdrawal from Afghanistan, all regrettably pale in comparison to the creeping tyranny which nearly all Americans now feel. The nation’s most powerful forces—our intelligence agencies, corporations, the press, our universities, and even our military—are all pressing further and further into uncharted territory from which it’s not clear America can return. For the time being, saving America rests in the House of Representatives.