Don’t make people take their shoes off when boarding your yacht. You should not be using teak without providing boat shoes anyway.
You don’t have to go to all of your friends’ galas. Just be sure to send a check for the cost of your plate if your RSVP is a no.
Always split the bill evenly. However, if you’re on a potential investor’s megayacht and stop for dinner, you should at least offer to pay.
When talking to someone about a celebrity, let’s say your dear friend Madonna, always assume they know who you’re talking about and use their nickname. It’s insulting to refer to her as Madonna when you all call her Maddie. It implies that you think your conversation partner doesn’t know Madonna intimately.
Only wake up your waitstaff if there’s an actual emergency. And no, wanting a little bowl of ice cream is not a true emergency.
Not everyone should wink. Talk to your surgeon about an eye shape that would work better if your lid winks in an upsetting way.
Whoever’s PJ you ride on gets first dibs on rooms in the villa. No exceptions.