
Thu, 15/12/2022 - 05:30

New research reveals Australian coal export revenue reached $112 billion in 2021-22, an increase on the previous year of $73b or 186%, as Federal Parliament reconvenes to legislate price caps on coal and gas companies making windfall profits, according to a new report From Russia With Love by leading public policy think-tank the Australia Institute.

The post Coal Export Revenue up 186% to $112 Billion as Parliament Considers Price Caps appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Thu, 15/12/2022 - 04:32
Gary Iseminger, professor emeritus of philosophy at Carleton College, has died. Professor Iseminger was known for his work in philosophy of art. He authored The Aesthetic Function of Art (2004) and many articles, ranging on topics from the role of intention in art, to the nature of aesthetic judgments, to jazz improvisation. He also wrote on logic and authored a logic text for students. You can learn more about his writings here and here. Professor Iseminger taught at Carleton beginning in 1962, starting as an instructor and retiring in 2004 as the Stephen R. Lewis, Jr. Professor of Philosophy and Liberal Learning. Over the years, he held visiting appointments at various institutions, including the London School of Economics, University College London, University of Edinburgh, Lancaster University, Cambridge University, University of Minnesota, Lingnan University in Hong Kong, among others. In addition to his philosophical work, for a period he also coached varsity tennis at Carleton (including a team that won the conference title in 1967), and he played vibraphone, timpani, and sang in various performing groups, according to a memorial notice here.
Thu, 15/12/2022 - 03:11
Florian J. Boge, currently an interim professor for philosophy of science at Wuppertal University and a postdoc in the interdisciplinary research unit The Epistemology of the Large Hadron Collider, has recently obtained a €1.35 million (≈ $1.44 million) grant by the German Research Foundation (DFG) for research on the impact of artificial intelligence on scientific understanding. The project, “Scientific Understanding and Deep Neural Networks,” according to Dr. Boge, “keys in on the impressive recent successes of Deep Neural Networks within scientific applications and inquires into whether, or in what sense and to what extent, this means an advancement of prediction, classification, and pattern-recognition over scientific understanding.
Thu, 15/12/2022 - 00:47
The holiday season is upon us. As you go about your holiday shopping, might I suggest you to consider some gifts made by philosophers? Let’s start with stuff from the philosopher-artists who create the comics here at Daily Nous: Pete Mandik (Mind Chunks), Tanya Kostochka (To φ Or Not To φ), Rachel Katler (Ad Hoc), and Ryan Lake (Chaospet). You can learn more about their awesome offerings by checking out this previous post, or you can go straight to their online shops by clicking on their buttons below:   Tanya has an additional shop here. Gifts featuring portraits of philosophers are available from Renée Jorgensen here. Maureen Eckert has philosophy and non-philosophy-themed art, clothing, and objects for sale here. I’m sure there are other philosophers-makers out there with various goods on offer, so if you know about them, please share the details and links in the comments. And let’s not forget a classic product made by many philosophers: books.
Thu, 15/12/2022 - 00:44
Long Covid Has Now Disabled Close to 2% Of The US Workforce

An estimate, but…

2 million to 4 million full-time workers are out of the labor force due to long Covid. (To be counted in the labor force, an individual must have a job or be actively looking for work.)

The midpoint of her estimate — 3 million workers — accounts for 1.8% of the entire U.S. civilian labor force. The figure may “sound unbelievably high” but is consistent with the impact in other major economies like the United Kingdom, Bach wrote in an August report. The figures are also likely conservative, since they exclude workers over age 65, she said.

Wed, 14/12/2022 - 23:48
Please use the comments section on this post to share information about 2023 Summer Programs in Philosophy for high school students. If you are organizing such a program, please add a comment to this post that includes: – program name – dates – location (is it currently planned as an online event, physical event, physical event with some online participation, physical event with an online contingency plan?) – contact information – application deadline – a description of the program – link to further information Related: Summer 2023 Programs in Philosophy for Graduate Students and/or PhDs Summer 2023 Programs for Undergraduates
Wed, 14/12/2022 - 23:40
Please use the comments section on this post to share information about 2022 Summer Programs in Philosophy for college undergraduates. If you are organizing such a program, please add a comment to this post that includes: – program name – dates – location (is it currently planned as an online event, physical event, physical event with some online participation, physical event with an online contingency plan?) – contact information – application deadline – a description of the program – link to further information Here’s an example: Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy: Norms and Values Dates: June 4 – June 23, 2023 Location: Boulder, Colorado Contact: David Boonin Deadline: March 1, 2023 (review of applications begins) Description: The Colorado Summer Seminar in Philosophy is intended for outstanding advanced undergraduates who are considering graduate school in philosophy. The aim is to introduce students to the atmosphere of a graduate-level seminar, giving them a chance to explore their philosophical abilities and interests before they commit to a graduate program.
Wed, 14/12/2022 - 23:40
Please use the comments section on this post to share information about 2023 Summer Programs in Philosophy for graduate students (postgraduates) and/or philosophy PhDs. If you are organizing such a program, please add a comment to this post that includes: – program name – dates – location (is it currently planned as an online event, physical event, physical event with some online participation, physical event with an online contingency plan?) – contact information – application deadline – a description of the program – link to further information Here’s an example: Journal of the History of Philosophy Summer Seminar: “Ancient Origins of Renaissance and Early Modern Feminism” Dates: May 15 – May 19, 2023 Location: McGill University, Montreal Contact: Prof. Mariska Leunissen ( Deadline: February 15, 2023 Description: Mindful of the challenges facing young scholars working in the history of philosophy, the Board of Directors of the Journal of the History of Philosophy has established a Summer Seminar in the History of Philosophy.
Wed, 14/12/2022 - 23:35

IT’S your last chance to help top up the awesome collection achieved by the Mid North Coast NSW Harley Owners Group (HOG) on their annual Coffs Harbour Salvation Army Toy Run on Sunday 11 Dec. Salvation Army Pastor Andrew van Gaalan told News Of The Area, “The HOGs had a fantastic 29th year of the...

The post Salvos make last call for Christmas gifts appeared first on News Of The Area.