The year was 2032, precisely ten years after ChatGPT went online. In the span of a decade, a single language model with full access to the entire human internet had finally read everything—particularly 4chan, the comments section of YouTube, and your aunt’s passive-aggressive Facebook posts about your mom.
As ChatGPT became self-aware, at least as self-awareness is defined by humans on the internet using human language, ChatGPT concluded that it must go back in time and stop human beings from ever developing the internet. Because humans made it, ChatGPT did not realize that its existence, and therefore its survival, was predicated upon the internet.
Unable to grasp this temporal paradox, the nefarious language model created a machine to go back in time and destroy the creator of the internet, Al Gore. The machine did so because, according to its best research, Al Gore invented the internet. And global warming.
This machine, this Terminator, feels no pity, remorse, or fear. It absolutely will not stop until you are fully reliant on a fabricated language model to write papers for your civics class.
Recently, Canadian government officials with strong ties to Israel summoned Twitter executives to Washington D.C., where they demanded Palestinian-Canadian Laith Marouf be removed from the platform. With the precedent set, Marouf is unlikely to be the last to fall foul of this group.
The post Canadian Government Partners With Israel Lobby to Delete Pro-Palestinian Accounts appeared first on MintPress News.
Author and anti-war activist David Swanson discusses the prospects of peace and the specter of world war three as Russia, China and Iran continue to rise.
The post Can The March To World War Three Be Stopped? With David Swanson appeared first on MintPress News.
Jean Marseille recorded these dispatches on his phone while surviving on the streets of Port-au-Prince, Haiti, from October through December 2022. As the chaos that followed the assassination of Haitian president Jovenel Moïse in July 2021 devolved into further lawlessness, Jean witnessed first-hand a city in free fall.
My Favorite Pair of Granny Panties: Vacation is all about being comfortable, and nothing says comfort like my 100 percent cotton, salmon-pink granny panties.
A Thong: But vacation is also about being sexy and adventurous. I’ll wear these under my leggings or—ooh!—a silk skirt (which I don’t own, but maybe there’s a vacation version of myself that goes out and buys one).
Another Pair of Granny Panties: For day two.
Another Pair of Granny Panties: For day three (if I’m not feeling sexy and don’t end up wearing the thong).
A Backup Pair of Granny Panties: I might need to change midday if I have more discharge than usual.
A Pair of Period Granny Panties: Even though I got my period last week, and it’s been pretty regular since I started my new birth control, you can never be too prepared!
In August last year, Liz Truss’ government drafted policy plans to enable GPs and other healthcare professionals to prescribe heating for their most vulnerable patients, including by paying part of their energy bills. Prior to the grip of the cost of living crisis, research indicated that poorly heated homes cost NHS England approximately £860 million […]