The idea that art should be made by and available to all has been a rallying cry for socialists for decades. Contrary to stereotype, the traditional demands of the labour movement haven’t just been about ensuring people have food on their plates and heat in their homes, but about enabling the beauty and creativity stifled by […]
In letters to the EPA and NTSB, the lawmakers expressed concern about the safety of East Palestine residents, given the release of hazardous materials, as well as efforts to prevent future derailments.
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A MintPress study of the 20 most influential U.S. news outlets found virtually no coverage of the esteemed journalist’s revelations linking Washington to the pipeline attacks.
The post Media Ignore Seymour Hersh Bombshell Report of US Destroying Nord Stream II appeared first on
JP Morgan plans to raise private capital for a Ukrainian investment fund.
The post Zelensky Signs Agreement With JP Morgan on Ukraine’s Reconstruction appeared first on
How a bleak Christian theology influenced the development of the dismal science.
The post We Need to Talk About the Original Sin of Economics appeared first on
- by Aeon Video
By Binoy Kampmark / CounterPunch Inside the beating heart of many students and a large number of learners lies an inner cheat. To get passing grades, every effort will be made to do the least to achieve the most. Efforts to subvert the central class examination are the stuff of legend: discreetly written notes on […]
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- by Michael Slepian
By DemocracyNow! When the Nord Stream pipelines carrying natural gas from Russia to Germany were damaged last September, U.S. officials were quick to suggest Russia had bombed its own pipelines. But according to a new report by the legendary investigative journalist Seymour Hersh, it was the U.S. Navy that carried out the sabotage, with help […]
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