
Wed, 09/11/2022 - 14:23

A prominent advertisement published by the Australian Christian Lobby (ACL) in The Mercury today highlights the need for Truth in Political Advertising laws in Tasmania. Key Details: On 9 November 2022, The Mercury published an ad from ACL that said “Plan to criminalise parents who question their children’s wish to change gender? Likely lose government!”

The post Deceptive Political Ad Demonstrates Need for Truth in Political Advertising Laws in Tasmania appeared first on The Australia Institute.

Wed, 09/11/2022 - 03:04
Welcome to a special blog, which centres on one thing! Today the crowdfunder comics company Zoop and I, partnered with Chris Ryall’s company Syzygy, are launching our campaign to fund The Completed Saucer Country, a 440 page luxury softcover (and digital) collection of the entire Saucer Country/Saucer State saga, plus a new ending by myself, ... Read More
Tue, 08/11/2022 - 22:58

The Real Progressives Live with Michael Hudson on The Destiny of Civilization [00:00:06] Luke Parcher: All right. For those who might not know me, I’m Luke Parcher, I’m a student and activist. I volunteer with Real Progressives. I’m on our leadership team and I also do a show on Sundays covering politics and current events, Continue Reading

The post The Rentier Economy is a Free Lunch first appeared on Michael Hudson.
Tue, 08/11/2022 - 04:36

Economic issues are a primary part of Trump's appeal to his base

As incitements to genuine fear and trembling, credible invocations of the end of the world are hard to top. So when President Joe Biden mentioned the war in Ukraine and Armageddon in the same breath at a Democratic Party fundraiser, the whole world jumped. Amid a wave of news clips filled with swooning commentary and verbal handwringing, the White House staff rushed to do damage control.1

Mon, 07/11/2022 - 23:00
Distributed ledger technologies (DLTs) have garnered growing interest in recent years and are making inroads into traditional finance. One purported benefit of DLTs is their ability to bring about “atomic” settlement. Indeed, several recent private sector projects (SDX, Fnality, HQLAx) aim to do just that. But what exactly is atomic settlement? In this post, we explain that atomic settlement, as it is often defined, combines two distinct properties: instant settlement and simultaneous settlement, which should be kept separate.
Mon, 07/11/2022 - 21:33

David McWilliams and I sat down in front of a splendid, heartwarming, boisterous Kilkenomics audience to talk about Technofeudalism but also Ukraine, Britain and Europe. The ersatz audio recording is not of the highest quality (sorry!) but it is not terrible either (especially if you have a good headset). Apologies for this but one of […]

The post Discussing Technofeudalism, Ukraine & Britain with David McWilliams in Kilkenny – audio appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.