
Wed, 14/09/2022 - 22:41

The CPI report in the United States was a horror show for Team Transitory. Although there were other areas with jumpy prices (e.g., food prices), I think that the housing component (above) is the part I am most concerned about in the near run.

Tue, 13/09/2022 - 04:01

What you see in green in the left-most image below was Pakistan’s Lake Manchar (June 25th): the largest freshwater reservoir in that country. After catastrophic monsoon rains and with increased meltwater inflow from the Himalayas, the swollen lake has suffered breaches (accidental and deliberate), resulting in the two images to the right (August 28th and September 5th).
Mon, 12/09/2022 - 21:51
Sep 12, 2022 ROBERT SKIDELSKY Since World War II, Britain’s influence in the world has relied on its “special relationship” with the United States, its position as head of the Commonwealth (the British Empire’s successor), and its position in Europe. The Americans are still there, but Europe isn’t, and now the head of the Commonwealth … Continue reading Requiem for an Empire
Mon, 12/09/2022 - 10:01

Economist Michael Hudson joins Multipolarista host Ben Norton to discuss partial student debt relief in the US, inflation and the Fed, disaster capitalism in Ukraine, and China’s challenge to the petrodollar. Multipolarista · Economist Michael Hudson on debt relief, inflation, Ukraine disaster capitalism, petrodollar crisis Transcript BEN NORTON: Hey everyone, this is Ben Norton of Continue Reading

The post A short history of inflation in modern times first appeared on Michael Hudson.
Mon, 12/09/2022 - 05:15
Since much of the Bizarro-reading world is still baking in the heat of another routine climate-change summer, or, as some Republicans are still calling it, “an extremely convincing and deadly hoax,” I thought you might enjoy a refreshing snow cartoon…
Sun, 11/09/2022 - 23:09

Disclaimer: I am not a lawyer. I am not your lawyer. None of this is legal advice. All of this might also be a horribly bad idea.

Ah, SEO link spam e-mails. If you have a blog that’s been online longer than, say, three years, you know what I’m talking about:


I read your article at <link-to-a-blogpost-of-mine> talking about <actually-not-the-topic-of-the-blogpost>. I think your readers would benefit from a link to <link-to-an-irrelevant-or-trivial-piece>.

Would you consider linking to our article?

For a long time I just ignored these, flagging as spam and moving on. Obviously I am not going to link to some marketing crap that’s there only to drive up SEO of some random site.

But then that one spammer showed up in my mailbox, and he was persistent. Several e-mails and follow-ups within a month. I decided I needed a better strategy.

What if I told them to pay for a link being placed on my blog?

Sun, 11/09/2022 - 11:17

Businesses are facing extraordinary challenges as disruptions in the supply chain echo across the globe. Even as things looked to return to normal, we’ve seen even more chaos as climate change-induced heat waves have resulted in the Yangtze River in China drying up in places. This has curtailed the production of hydroelectric power, and factories…

The post How to Improve Logistics Efficiency appeared first on Peak Oil.

Sun, 11/09/2022 - 02:00
The missing social network

The assumptions of web software architecture.

The most successful organisations are mostly private corporations who jealously guard their members / customers, and seek to grow and squeeze out the competition and establish a monopoly. The software of the web reflects that, as each company has its own web platform, inside of which it seeks to retain its users by being the largest or only player in the space.

This way of organising is leads to huge duplication of effort, with users seeing only a fraction of everything at any one time, until the best funded platform emerges victorious after which all the information is in one place, but it is too expensive and their are no alternatives. Think, Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Instagram etc.

Sat, 10/09/2022 - 20:30
Inadequate Equilibria

Inadequate Equilibria is a book about a generalised notion of efficient markets, and how we use this notion to guess where society will or won't be effective at pursuing some widely desired goal. An efficient market is one where smart individuals should generally doubt that they can spot overpriced or underpriced assets. We can ask an analogous question however about the 'efficiency' of other human endeavours.

This is a book about thinking about thinking, with a focus on anyone who would try, or presume, to be able to improve a complex system, say by starting a new business in the space. Can you know when there is a real gap or when you are being arrogant or over-optimistic?

The author Eliezer Yudkowsky is a veteran of artificial intelligence, who has spent much of his career hanging around Silicon Valley.

Sat, 10/09/2022 - 00:00
The Debian project is pleased to announce the fifth update of its stable distribution Debian 11 (codename bullseye). This point release mainly adds corrections for security issues, along with a few adjustments for serious problems. Security advisories have already been published separately and are referenced where available.
Sat, 10/09/2022 - 00:00
The Debian project is pleased to announce the thirteenth (and final) update of its oldstable distribution Debian 10 (codename buster). This point release mainly adds corrections for security issues, along with a few adjustments for serious problems. Security advisories have already been published separately and are referenced where available.
Fri, 09/09/2022 - 04:09

Australia was sidelined by the US. America completely disregarded the concerns of its supposed ally under the Anzus Treaty, Australia was treated with contempt … And the end result of this war was that Australia lost 41 soldiers killed, 241 wounded and over 500 who have since committed suicide, for the Taliban to be replaced with the Taliban” – Hugh Poate, whose son, 23-yo Robert Poate, was murdered in Afghanistan by an Afghan National army soldier in 2012. Our American “friends” let the murderer go without even warning their Australian vassals mates.