
Mon, 12/04/2021 - 02:12
I’ve written a 750-word overview of the federal role in housing policy. The English-language version is here: The French-language version is here:
Fri, 09/04/2021 - 10:36
It’s back on 9 April 2021 – the next DWCA Western Sydney Tavern! You can meet up and hang out with organizer Dallas Jones and other Who fans from about 6.30pm at the Lone Pine Tavern, Rooty Hill, located at 15 Rooty Hill Road, Rooty Hill, NSW. The plan is for attendees to meet in the dining area, so look for a table with a TARDIS model. The Lone Pine Tavern is within a short distance of Rooty Hill Station for those people who want to come along via public transport and the venue has plenty of parking for those… Continue reading
Thu, 08/04/2021 - 08:11
C.D. Rowley details the findings of a survey into conditions among Sydney’s Aboriginal community: Mrs Pamela Beasley made at the beginning of 1964 an interim report on conditions in the Redfern–Chippendale area. She found over 500 persons willing to be interviewed as Aboriginal, in a small area including part of Redfern and part of Chippendale, […]
Wed, 07/04/2021 - 20:34
Public servant and academic C.D. (Charles) Rowley was principal of the Australian School of Pacific Administration from 1950 to 1964, where Australian administrators of the Territory of Papua New Guinea were trained. In 1964 he accepted a three-year appointment to the Social Science Research Council of Australia, Canberra as director of a project to study […]
Fri, 02/04/2021 - 15:32
The 2021 PEF Student Essay Contest is now open! Calling all Canadian students anywhere in the world and all post-secondary students in Canada who are working on papers taking a critical approach to the functioning, efficiency, social, and environmental consequences of unconstrained markets. The winning essays will receive a cash prize of $1,000 for the graduate student category and $500 [...]
Tue, 30/03/2021 - 10:56
I wrote this blog post with Kaylea Champion and a version of this post was originally posted on the Community Data Science Collective blog. Critical software we all rely on can silently crumble away beneath us. Unfortunately, we often don’t find out software infrastructure is in poor condition until it is too late. Over the …
Mon, 29/03/2021 - 12:51

I’ve not been a good friend. I did not send cards or presents. I moved around the globe and did not stay in contact. I have become older and regrettably maudlin about Cornwall and my old friends. I have gone home for intermittent visits. We have awkward conversations remembering …

Sat, 27/03/2021 - 06:24
I served as a director and as a voting member of the Free Software Foundation for more than a decade. I left both positions over the last 18 months and currently have no formal authority in the organization. So although it is now just my personal opinion, I will publicly add my voice to the …
Fri, 19/03/2021 - 06:45

Howdy, folks! I hope all of my fellow Midwesterners are enjoying this year’s false spring. Seventy-degree days notwithstanding, the snow will indeed be back, and, as such, I have prepared for you a house to enjoy (?) alongside a miserably late-in-the-year hot cocoa. 

Now, this house isn’t as oppressively horrible as the last one, however, the point of the Yearbook is to show off how houses evolved overtime, and also to celebrate some of the kookier time capsules left out there. Our current house falls into the latter category, and to be honest, I find it weirdly endearing. 

Located just outside of Detroit, this 5 bed, 4.5 bath house tops out at over 10,000 square feet. Yes, you read that right. 10,000. You’ll see why later. Anyways, if you want to purchase said house, it can be all yours for just under $1,000,000. A steal!

Thu, 18/03/2021 - 10:24
Since the earliest days of the program fans of Doctor Who have sought ways to hang onto the experience of watching their favourite show. In the 1960s telesnaps and reel to reel tapes were the only way to record it, but these gave way to audio cassettes in the 1970s and 1980s, VHS tapes in the 1990s, then the opportunity to buy official releases from video to LaserDisc, DVD and BluRay. Since the advent of streaming services, Australian fans have been given the opportunity to carry the ability to watch the show around with them wherever they go on a… Continue reading
Thu, 18/03/2021 - 09:32
Way back in May 1999 Big finish kicked off its range of monthly Doctor Who releases with the multi-Doctor story The Sirens of Time. Almost 22 yeas later and the company has decided to end the monthly adventures, focusing instead on box-set releases. The 275th consecutive monthly Doctor Who adventure from Big Finish will be the last in that range, so they’ve decided to go out with a bang with another multi-Doctor story, appropriately titled The End of the Beginning. Featuring Peter Davison, Colin Baker, Sylvester McCoy and Paul McGann, along with Mark Strickson, India Fisher and Miranda Raison, the… Continue reading