
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 08:00
“My view on this has been very clear. It’s not whether a woman should be forced to bring a child to term. It’s whether a child should be allowed to live even though those circumstances of the child’s birth is inconvenient or a problem to the society.” This is absurd! Trump VP Pick JD Vance calls rape an "inconvenience" When asked about not allowing women to have an abortion when they are the victims of rape or incest, his response is disgusting. It's as if he's a character from the Handmaids Tale. “My view on this has been… — Ed Krassenstein (@EdKrassen) July 15, 2024 Clearly, Trump has decided to just say “fuck it, I’m going for it.” He thinks he can just bulldoze his way into the White House with little resistance because Biden whiffed in the debate. We’ll see about that. A lot more women than men vote in every election. Even more will vote this time.
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 07:30

“It is incredible that such an act can take place in our country.” — Donald Trump, writing on Truth Social after an attempt on his life, 7/13/24

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It is a sad time in American history, folks. A crazed gunman attempted to assassinate me, Donald Trump, in an act of hatred and violence that sits in stark contrast with the political era of hatred and violence I have single-handedly created.

Tue, 16/07/2024 - 06:30
This article by David Frum sums him up perfectly. Apparently, Vance used to write for Frum a decade or so ago and was part of his inner circle who said he was modeling his career on Barack Obama. Frum thought he was a thoughtful “reforminst conservative” who “scorned culture-warring, valued expertise, endorsed social inclusion, rejected partisan rancor, and supported America’s important role in world security.” He thought he was sincere. And he wasn’t the only one: Before the 2016 election, Vance’s future political path looked straightforward. He would await the expected Trump defeat, then emerge as a next-generation Republican savior: a candidate who could speak from his origins in Appalachia to the suburbs of Columbus, all while preserving his connections to his donors in Silicon Valley. Trump’s Electoral College victory complicated the calculation. Some Democrats wooed Vance to change parties. Obama’s campaign guru David Axelrod had Vance as a guest on his popular podcast the month after Vance’s Times article was published.
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 06:25

The Drupal Business Survey investigates the trends in the digital market, in particular from service providers involved with the open source DXP Drupal. Digital agencies from all over the world participate in the yearly survey. Business insights on market share and growth opportunities are shared in a comprehensive report. The results are presented at DrupalCon Europe, the international Drupal conference. Digital business owners from all over the world are invited to participate. 

Tue, 16/07/2024 - 06:00

Reflections on my new book titled IPE and the Problem of History: Adam Smith to Robert Cox that was presented recently in Australia - it is part disciplinary and part intellectual history, and its angle of encounter is to consider how IPE as a field of study, as a social science if you will, has engaged with and used the idea of history as part of its scholarly enterprise.

The post IPE and the Problem of History: an Australian experience appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).

Tue, 16/07/2024 - 05:00
Senator Mike Lee, ladies and gentlemen: Somebody get him a cigarette. This convention is going to be like one of those ecstatic religious revival meetings. They’ll all be speaking in tongues before it’s over. Let’s not forget President U.S. Grant who commanded the Union Army or the father of our country George Washington. And many, many more. Not one of them had the pampered richie rich life of Donald Trump, even the ones born into money. His hammy fist bumping as he’s hustled off the stage by a phalanx of secret service agents is the exact opposite of “tough.” The whining about finding his shoes is before they did it was much more indicative of his true self.
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:59
It is ironic that a past and would be President who has been a strong supporter of 2nd Amendment freedoms to own assault rifles was nearly killed by one. It is ironic that a past and would be President who has been a strong supporter of 2nd Amendment freedoms to own assault rifles was nearly Continue reading »
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:58
For the sake of America’s security and world peace, the U.S. should immediately abandon the neocon quest for hegemony in favour of diplomacy and peaceful co-existence. In 1992, U.S. foreign-policy exceptionalism went into overdrive. The U.S. has always viewed itself as an exceptional nation destined for leadership, and the demise of the Soviet Union in December 1991 Continue reading »
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:57
Becoming the latest recruit in a well-organised global program, Australia has joined the 24 nations which have appointed envoys to combat anti-Semitism. We still await an envoy for resisting Islamophobia. On 9 July, Australia’s Attorney-General Mark Dreyfus weighed into the perennial debate about what constitutes anti-Semitism, telling the National Press Club that anti-Semitic statements are Continue reading »
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:56
The security vetting process has gone off the rails in Australia. It’s been outsourced to the private sector, which has a financial incentive to make renewing a security clearance as lengthy as possible. Those with high-level jobs in many government departments, agencies and the defence bureaucracy have to renew their clearance every five years. They Continue reading »
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:54
Parliament’s Joint Committee on Human Rights has tabled a report that makes a persuasive argument for comprehensive legislation to protect Australians’ fundamental human rights. Its Inquiry into Australia’s Human Rights Framework (2024) identifies a catalogue of deficiencies in the nation’s disaggregated systems of human rights protection. The report provides a new and compelling case for Continue reading »
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:53
For most of the past year, Joe Biden has been calming panickers in the inner circles of the Democrat Party, persuading them that the campaign was under control, that things were moving his way, not least because of Donald Trump’s criminal law problems. The big reveal at the first presidential debate showed an emperor without Continue reading »
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:51
As Australian citizens, Muslims, albeit a small percentage of the total population, living in this democracy have the freedom and the responsibility to be true to their principles when engaging in politics and standing up for justice. In fact, this role has been made easier by the growth of alternatives to the major parties. In Continue reading »
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 04:50
John Mearsheimer discusses Ukraine’s dire situation on the battlefield and its bleak political future; and Israel’s use of the “Hannibal Doctrine” on October 7. On 11 July 2024, I talked with Judge Napolitano on his podcast — “Judging Freedom” — about Ukraine’s dire situation on the battlefield and its bleak political future. We also discussed Continue reading »
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 03:31

“Today, we’re all MAGA.” — Headline from The Spectator the day after an assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump, 7/14/24.

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Decades ago, when a pasty, Jodie Foster–obsessed visitor to Miskatonic County attempted to render Azathoth back into the voidverse, the Daemon-Sultan’s psychic pustule was not immediately recognized. It wasn’t until the Blind Idiot God was en route to the Infernal Palace of Grotesqueries that He noticed the festering wound and altered course for the nearest emergency room.

Tue, 16/07/2024 - 03:30
Axios declared that Trump became president today. Again. He’s “pivoted” : Uh huh. Earlier today Judge Aileen Cannon dismissed the classified documents case . Yep, she did it. Here’s the Great Uniter’s response: It didn’t even last the morning. The good news is that this will break the short-lived truce that inexplicably forced the Democrats to become punching bags for the wingnuts to accuse them of inciting violence. Fun fact: Cannon was appointed by Trump after the election when Mitch McConnell forced through a bunch of unqualified nominees to the federal bench, a very rare occurrence. It was especially hypocritical considering that he wouldn’t allow Merrick Garland to be confirmed more than 8 months before the election in 2016 saying that it wasn’t proper for an outgoing administration to fill such a seat until the people had spoken. (He did the same with Amy Coney Barrett.) The gravedigger of democracy just threw another pile of dirt on the coffin.
Tue, 16/07/2024 - 03:08

Zoom has always included a clickable button/badge at the top left of its primary meeting interface window. Click the badge to copy the URL of that meeting. You can then, with just one more click in any messaging system, send that URL to the other meeting participants. Fast. Simple. Drop-dead easy. Elegant. It comes in […]

The post What happened to the Share button in Zoom? appeared first on Jeffrey Zeldman Presents.

Tue, 16/07/2024 - 02:00
According to Brady United 327 people are killed with guns every day in the United States. Over one million have been shot in the last decade. There are more civilian owned firearms than there are people here. America is awash in gun violence and it’s so ubiquitous that we only raise our heads once in a great while when the body count is shockingly high or the victims are particularly vulnerable, like elementary school children. But this weekend we all looked up sharply when a lone sniper shot at Donald Trump and grazed his ear, killed a spectator and wounded two others. These shootings are all horrific but this one was particularly shocking because America’s history of political assassinations is very long and we are living in one of our acute periods of political violence, whether from religious terrorism or unbalanced people who are radicalized on the internet. There have been attempted assassinations and violent threats against members of congress, the judiciary, the media and election officials in recent years and now the current Republican nominee for president, who also happens to be a former president as well.