Telegram is a popular – especially in the East – internet messenger. It bills itself as “encrypted”, “private”, and “secure”. One of its creators (and the CEO of the company that operates the service), Pavel Durov, has for years been suggesting, in a more or less direct manner, that other internet messenger services expose our conversations and endanger our privacy.
It’s a pretty crude, yet surprisingly effective strategy for distracting attention away from Telegram’s very real problems with security and privacy. And there are quite a few of those.
- by Kåre Hedebrant & Agneta Herlitz
- by Peter Salmon
Far-right political parties have enjoyed electoral success in the recent European Parliament elections, emerging on top in some countries while making electoral gains in others.
The post On to the streets to stop the Euro fascists first appeared on Solidarity Online.
Attacked in the field, in the office, and at home, 1 in 10 reporters in Gaza have been killed in Israel’s military campaign.
The post Israel’s War on Gaza Is the Deadliest Conflict on Record for Journalists appeared first on The Intercept.
Israel denied the attack, but a four-month investigation shows the Agence France-Presse office came under direct tank fire.
The post The Day Israeli Tanks Fired Directly at AFP’s Gaza Bureau appeared first on The Intercept.
In April, President Joe Biden said he was “considering” dropping charges against the WikiLeaks founder.
The post Julian Assange Strikes Plea Deal, Will Return to Australia appeared first on The Intercept.