
Tue, 25/06/2024 - 20:01

Telegram is a popular – especially in the East – internet messenger. It bills itself as “encrypted”, “private”, and “secure”. One of its creators (and the CEO of the company that operates the service), Pavel Durov, has for years been suggesting, in a more or less direct manner, that other internet messenger services expose our conversations and endanger our privacy.

It’s a pretty crude, yet surprisingly effective strategy for distracting attention away from Telegram’s very real problems with security and privacy. And there are quite a few of those.

Tue, 25/06/2024 - 19:40
Julian Assange is expected to be in Australia late tomorrow, a free man. Footage tweeted by Wikileaks hours ago showed Assange walking up the stairs onto an aircraft bound for Saipan in the US-administered Mariana Islands, Monday afternoon UK time. Sources have told Pearls and Irritations Assange is accompanied on the flight by Australian High Continue reading »
Tue, 25/06/2024 - 08:00
Holy sh*t have you seen this video??? Spread this like wildfire. #VoteDemToRestoreRoe — Nick Knudsen 🇺🇸 (@NickKnudsenUS) June 24, 2024 Today is the 2-year anniversary of the Dobbs decision. Today one third of American women have lost their rights.
Tue, 25/06/2024 - 08:00
It looks like CNN is planning to let Trump lie at will and they’ll only correct him after the debate is over. Great. The role of a moderator is often in dispute, and David Chalian, CNN’s political director, said that Thursday’s live debate “is not the ideal arena for live fact-checking.” Instead, Ms. Bash and Mr. Tapper would focus on “facilitating the debate between these candidates, not being a participant in that debate,” he said, noting that CNN analysts would assess the veracity of the candidates’ comments immediately after the telecast. Most people will tune out after the debate because the panel conversation is always tedious for anyone but the most addicted political junkies. The result will be that Biden has to correct the record and will spend most of his time doing that (and probably getting his mic cut because of the sheer volume of lies) and won’t be able to get his own message out effectively — or the lies will stand uncorrected. It appears that CNN is simply planning to enable a freak show instead of doing its job as journalists. I hope the Biden campaign is fully prepared for that.