- by Aeon Video
The megadonor’s plan for a $25 million research center at Cornell fell apart. So he took his money to Texas A&M.
The post Leonard Leo Built the Conservative Court. Now He’s Funneling Dark Money Into Law Schools. appeared first on The Intercept.
- by Richard Fisher
A few weeks ago at DrupalCon Portland, I announced Drupal Starshot, a project to create the new default download of Drupal. Built on Drupal Core, Drupal Starshot will include popular features from the contributed project ecosystem. It focuses on delivering a great user experience right out of the box. Drupal Starshot builds on recent initiatives like Recipes, Project Browser, and Automatic Updates to elevate Drupal to new heights.
The response has been incredible! Hundreds of people have pledged their support on the Drupal Starshot page, and many more have asked how to get involved. Over the past few weeks, we have been planning and preparing, so I'm excited to share some next steps!
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The kava drink, traditional in Pacific Island communities, has become a global sensation, leading to some concern about exploitation and appropriation.
More than two weeks of resistance on the streets of Kanaky-New Caledonia has rocked the government of French President Emmanuel Macron. The post Kanak resistance rocks colonial government but Albanese stands by France first appeared on Solidarity Online. I wrote the other day about Trump’s weird “freeze” during his speech to the NRA, when he just stood there for 30 seconds making faces while the music rose. He claimed that he always did this and I contradicted it saying I’ve never seen it happen. Well, a reader pointed out that I have seen it happen, it’s just that usually there is cheering and applauding for that 30 seconds. A DKos member wrote this: He builds up to the line “greatest nation in the history of the world.” The music starts. He stands for about 30 seconds, looking around, as the crowds cheer wildly and chant his name. Then he proceeds with the “We are a nation in decline” line. ANGRY MARMOT [Dkos commenter]: See for instance the laboriously dramatic musical pause-for-effect from 1:26:57 to 1:27:23 here (Waco, March 25, 2023) and from 1:09:42 to 1:10:31 here (Greensboro, March 2, 2024), always before the “we are a nation in decline” line.
A Sydney couple have acquired nearly a quarter of a million lifetime enemies as they blithely pushed their eighteen month old around Vivid in a stroller. “God forbid we should have thought this through a tad and maybe gotten a... Read More ›
Brian Beutler has some advice in his excellent newsletter OffMessage today for the Biden campaign that doesn’t include throwing up their hands and saying “Oh my God we’re so bad that we’re giving up and will open up the convention to anyone who wants to try for it!” This might actually be useful: At the outset we should stipulate that if Donald Trump were in office today—presiding over full employment at a time when Americans enjoyed more purchasing power than ever before, and inflation was hovering steadily around three percent—he and Republican officeholders across the country would claim credit for building the greatest economy in history. In fact, if Trump defeats Joe Biden in November, they’ll all sing from that hymnal by early 2025. The news media will scratch its head and finally notice, Gosh, this is a strong economy!
It was late winter when my sabbatical began, and it’s late spring as it comes to an end. Next week I return to my post after three months’ paid leave, courtesy of Automattic’s sabbatical benefit. Three months. A season. With full pay, and zero work responsibilities. In a job full of rewards, this is perhaps the greatest […] The post The gift of a three-month sabbatical appeared first on Jeffrey Zeldman Presents. Long-term evolution may be more predictable than we assumed. The post A Crystal Ball for Evolution appeared first on Nautilus. When Inspector Pilgrim popped up in Flash there were comparisons to be made to John Constantine and Doctor Who. But what about River Song?