“The reality for kids living there is shocking, honestly,” said an official who recently returned from Gaza. “People are living in really squalid conditions.”
The post 600,000 Palestinian Kids in Rafah Can’t “Evacuate” Safely, UNICEF Official Says appeared first on The Intercept.
On campus, inside the Capitol, and in court, there’s an all-out assault on American democracy in the name of Israel.
The post They Used to Say Arabs Can’t Have Democracy Because It’d Be Bad for Israel. Now the U.S. Can’t Have It Either. appeared first on The Intercept.
Dear Parent,
This is an automatically generated message. A sweep of our camp registration system indicates we’re missing information we need in order to welcome your camper. The due date for this information has passed, and if we don’t receive it by the end of the day, your camper will be unable to join us.
Please upload the following item(s): PERSEPHONE CODEX.
For your convenience, below is a checklist of the records that staff must receive by no later than two weeks ago.
Your checklist has eighteen green checkmarks and one enormous red X.
The X is next to: PERSEPHONE CODEX
Your missing PERSEPHONE CODEX puts you in violation of Section 14, subpart 8, little “i” in the parent handbook, OBSCURE FORMS.
Inside the hunt for habitable planets.
The post Discovering the First Other Earths appeared first on Nautilus.