
Wed, 27/12/2023 - 04:53
As the New Zealand coalition government backs closer alignment with US geo-strategic interests, critics warn of instability and loss of sovereignty in a region militarisation is dividing. Concerns are rising for peace and sovereignty in the Pacific after strong signals from New Zealand’s new government that it wants to swiftly join the US-led military alliance Continue reading »
Wed, 27/12/2023 - 04:51
One of the most memorable tales from Tony Birch’s 2006 debut collection, Shadowboxing, is The Butcher’s Wife. In this short story, the titular wife sensationally murders and dismembers her husband after he beats her in full view of everyone in the street. The physical distress of regular beatings is almost to be taken for granted in Continue reading »
Wed, 27/12/2023 - 04:50
Following Hamas’ October 7 attacks on Israel that caused more than 1,200 fatalities, there was a barrage of injunctions from Western mainstream media, politicians, and pundits insisting that anybody wishing to express an opinion on the events and the ensuing Israeli war crimes and genocide in Gaza, first denounce Hamas before expressing any other view. Continue reading »
Wed, 27/12/2023 - 04:35
A central characteristic of narcissistic sadists according to the great psychoanalyst, Erich Fromm, is their desire to reduce all living matter to dead matter. Fromm describes these narcissistic sadists as necrophilious characters. We are currently witnessing the genocidal actions of a necrophilious duo of Netanyahu and Biden. The first claims to be Jewish, the second Continue reading »
Wed, 27/12/2023 - 04:30
The presidents’ Christmas messages I posted Trump’s Christmas eve message in an earlier post. It was something. He went even further on Christmas: He was busy all Christmas morning, going to church, enjoying the grandkids, watching a little football. Oh wait, no he wasn’t: By contrast: At least the mainstream media is covering it. I don’t know about Fox. I’d guess not…
Wed, 27/12/2023 - 02:30
There is still time Digby yesterday on the climate crisis: So kids, I’m begging you to devote as much energy as possible to this issue and make the smartest political decisions you can make right now. This just can’t wait. — there’s literally nothing more important to your future. None of the other things you care about will matter if this doesn’t get fixed. It’s now or never. It’s been gently raining all night. It’s supposed to rain all day. Steady, gentle rain. That’s different from the violent summer downpours that flood streets and basements across the neighborhood. No amount of hydrological remediation in your yard is going to stop that. The problem is climate change may be accelerating (Washington Post – gifted): For the past several years, a small group ofscientists has warned that sometime early this century, the rate of global warming — which has remained largely steady for decades — might accelerate. Temperatures could rise higher, faster. The drumbeat of weather disasters may become more insistent.
Wed, 27/12/2023 - 01:00
A seismic shift possible Next year’s presidential election will be like no other. No matter who the major party candidates are. After the last, the outgoing Oval Office occupant instigated a violent insurrection to retain power that he could not win at the ballot box. The 2024 campaign will inform the world whether our nation “conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal” can endure much longer. Polls taken this early suggest that a race between incumbent Joe Biden and Donald Trump is tight. The House Jan. 6 committee determined that Trump “lit that fire” on Jan. 6. The Colorado Supreme Court, having found there was “no question” that Trump supported the insurrection, has disqualified him from the state’s ballot. Federal and state felony charges against Trump for his actions stand pending trial. Norman Eisen, Celinda Lake and Anat Shenker-Osorio suggest the race could shift significantly if Trump is convicted before November 2024.
Wed, 27/12/2023 - 00:23

Our 20th most-read article of 2023.

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Originally published June 20, 2023.

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Being a Big Brother is hard. I bet it makes you angry when Winston doesn’t submit to your will. Sometimes when people don’t submit to our will, we want to torture them with rats. I’m going to sit with you until you feel calmer, and then we can figure out a way to get Winston to submit without using rats.

Great Expectations

You don’t want to get changed right now, because you were jilted on your wedding day many years ago. I completely understand. You’re frustrated. I would be too. I know it’s much more fun to sit in with a decaying wedding feast while using your adopted daughter to exact revenge on all men, but we have to get changed, because you’re on fire. Let’s set a timer.

Tue, 26/12/2023 - 11:30
And itself… It’s not too late, but it’s going to take intense focus and attention. Former Vice President Al Gore expressed optimism that humanity can still repair the damage to the environment that is causing global warming. “The good news is we can reclaim control of our destiny,” Gore, who has long warned of the dangers of climate change, said on “State of the Union” in an interview that aired Sunday. “We have the ability to do this,” Gore said, adding: “And it’s not impractical,” citing solar power, wind power and electric vehicles. “We can do this,” he told host Jake Tapper, “if we just overcome the greed and political power of the big fossil fuel polluters who have been trying to control this process. It’s time for people at the grassroots level in every country to speak up, and the good news is, that’s happening too. “ Sunday’s episode of “State of the Union” focused on 2023 as a year of record-setting temperatures and natural disasters.