Been There, Smelled That explores the aromas of places around the world. Travel writer Maggie Downs investigates some of the world’s most potent smells, looks at how odor cultivates a connection to place, and presents how humans engage with smells, from scents that have endured generations to the latest innovations in aroma-making.
Around noon, my guide to the Westman Islands grabs a knotted rope and swings along the side of a cliff. Ebbi is a middle-aged man in a sweatshirt and jeans, a newsboy cap pulled low over his brow, and yet up on the cliffside he looks like an Olympic gymnast. Back and forth he goes, flying higher with each pendulum swing, until he’s close enough to reach a bird’s nest that’s nestled along a slender outcropping.
“Senators push to declassify TikTok intel and hold a public hearing ahead of ban vote.” — NPR, 3/21/24
Fellow Senators, I implore you to vote yes on this bill to ban TikTok, a social media platform that threatens to throw our extremely normal media ecosystem into chaos. We must not let this app steer Americans who get their news from obscure corners of Reddit and alt-right Facebook groups toward strange ideas.
You see, democracy needs a well-informed electorate to function, and thanks to today’s very orderly information environment of rage bait, both-sides journalism, and seven-hour YouTube interviews with Jordan Peterson, our electorate has never been less confused about things.
The W3C explains how CAPTCHA excludes disabled users, and suggests alternatives that may be kinder and more reliable.
The post CAPTCHA excludes disabled web users appeared first on Zeldman on Web and Interaction Design.
- by Psyche Film
- by Virginie Simoneau-Gilbert & Jonathan Birch
Protesters have taken to the street on the island, decrying power blackouts and food shortages.
The post Havana Syndrome: How the Biden Administration Is Driving Cubans Into Misery appeared first on The Intercept.
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March 22nd, 2024: CONFLICT OF INTEREST STATEMENT: this pro-brain p REGIONAL and rural communities are bearing the brunt of a NSW teacher shortfall, local teachers have heard. The NSW Teachers Federation is ramping up its campaign to fully resource North Coast public schools, meeting with teachers in Coffs Harbour last week. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message... The post Teachers urge PM not to short-change North Coast kids appeared first on News Of The Area. GUMBAYNGGIRR Rangers from the Ngiyambandigay Wajaarr Aboriginal Corporation (NWAC) have been working with Forestry Corporation NSW (FCNSW) to improve biodiversity at Niigi Niigi (Sealy Lookout). Caring for country has been the focus of the joint community effort of bush regeneration works in the Bruxner Park Flora Reserve undertaken by Forestry Corporation, Envite Environment and the... The post Community partnership rejuvenates bush at Niigi Niigi appeared first on News Of The Area. WALKERS frequenting Boambee Headland are relieved after the size of a fenced-off construction office area at the headland car park was significantly reduced. Australian Rail Track Corporation (ARTC) contractors have set up shop to work on the Boambee Creek Bridge rail repairs and installation of a new pedestrian footbridge. Advertise with News of The Area... The post ARCT contractor pares footprint at Boambee Headland car park appeared first on News Of The Area. LOCALS and visitors turned out in droves to be part of last weekend’s Summer Beach Hop in Coffs Harbour. Despite grey skies on both days, the city centre and Jetty Foreshores were full of fabulous classic cars, colourful dancers and iconic music from the 50s, 60s and 70s. Advertise with News of The Area today.... The post Grey skies can’t stop Summer Beach Hop appeared first on News Of The Area. CITY of Coffs Harbour is rolling ahead with a free bus travel plan to bolster community connection and to shine a light on the ease and benefits of public transport. At its meeting on 14 March, Council resolved to back an initiative by Mayor Paul Amos for a four-month trial of free bus travel on... The post Free bus travel trial to commence on Coffs Coast appeared first on News Of The Area. The issue turns out to be that I have too much of a back catalogue of articles, plus traffic. The solution, alas, is a better server (the next step up is expensive.) I’ve arranged for it, and the site should be transferred over sometime in the next week. Could be anywhere from tomorrow to next Thursday. In the meantime, load times will continue to be unpredictable and in some cases awful. On occasion the site may be effectively unavailable. This site is about fifteen years old now. Thanks to everyone who’s stuck with me or found their way here. These problems will be over soon. |