
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 04:00
One of the all time great con jobs As I watched the Super Tuesday returns last night I was struck by exit polls which showed that the economy is the most important issue to many Republican voters and they believe Donald Trump will be better for them financially than President Biden. Considering how successfully Biden has managed a swift recovery from the economic catastrophe he inherited, I find that disturbing but according to the NY Times, a majority of the electorate is suffering from “collective amnesia” and doesn’t remember why they ousted Trump back in 2020. Apparently, they are nostalgic for the golden days of a Trump administration that never existed. I don’t know if that amnesia will be cured by facts and statistics, but even Fox News has to admit that the Biden economy is doing very well. Nonetheless, Trump and all of his various henchmen spend their days insisting that the economy is on the verge of collapse. Last night during his low-energy victory speech he said it once again and as he told Lou Dobbs in an interview in January, he hopes it will crash within the next 12 months so that he won’t be like Herbert Hoover.
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 03:45

With the economy in recession and voters deeply concerned about the state of the UK’s parlous public services, Jermey Hunt has used what may be his last budget as chancellor to announce a 2 percentage point cut to national insurance. As the New Economics Foundation has pointed out, cuts to national insurance benefit the wealthiest […]

Thu, 07/03/2024 - 03:10

“Most mercenaries fighting for Israel now are welcomed based on their religious affiliations and dual citizenships, making their accountability pretty complex” – some of them previously fought in Ukraine along the neo-Nazi military wing Azov Battalion.

The post Globetrotting for Genocide: Foreign Fighters From US, France and India Are Fighting Israel’s War in Gaza appeared first on MintPress News.

Thu, 07/03/2024 - 02:28
“Reproductive rights, gun control and the environment.” The greatest untapped source of votes for Democrats is younger voters. (No, I won’t reproduce the chart again.) They are registered heavily independent (or unaffiliated) and those tend to fall off Democrats’ targeting computers. What do they care about? What might get them to turn out in the fall? Here you go.     Post by @juliefornc View on Threads   Post by @housejuddems View on Threads Reproductive rights are under assault. MAGA Republicans mean to get Stasi about it.   Post by @maddowshow View on Threads No, I haven’t forgotten gun control. Post by @prof.donx View on Threads Democrats want to do something for you. Republicans want to do something to you. Governor Hobbs Launches Affordable Arizona: Tackling Medical Debt for Working Families My friend Kim Yaman reminds North Carolinians, “If you think NC Lt. Gov.
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 01:18
Kate Stonehill, Director of Phantom Parrot. Phantom Parrot unravels a secret British government surveillance programme, and follows human rights activist Muhammad Rabbani as he is prosecuted under terror laws for refusing to hand over the passwords to his electronic devices, unveiling unsettling questions about the rule of law, modern espionage and digital privacy. ORG will […]
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 01:00

Been There, Smelled That explores the aromas of places around the world. Travel writer Maggie Downs investigates some of the world’s most potent smells, looks at how odor cultivates a connection to place, and presents how humans engage with smells, from scents that have endured generations to the latest innovations in aroma-making.

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The perfume tour begins in dramatic fashion—with roses fluttering from the sky like delicate confetti. Sunlight streams into the courtyard, casting a golden glow upon the space. The air fills with the heady, floral scent of bruised petals. Within moments, the fallen blooms create an aromatic carpet, and then seemingly everything is flowers, like some kind of dream.

Thu, 07/03/2024 - 01:00
Super Tuesday is over “Presidential primary season is effectively over,” writes Jim Newell at Slate, rather anticlimactically. California’s Rep. Adam Schiff is on his way to being Senator Schiff. Sen. Kyrsten Sinema announced she would not seek reelection in Arizona, clearing the way for Rep. Ruben Gallego to become Senator Gallego. And Joe Biden and Donald “91 Counts” Trump will battle again for the presidency. Didn’t see that coming, didja? Here in North Carolina, Attorney General Josh Stein will battle Lt. Gov. Mark “Choking on my own blood” Robinson for governor. Guess which is the Republican? The problem going forward to November, as Digby observed of Josh Marshall’s take on the polling, is that “half the country doesn’t have a clue what actually going on, in some cases because they’ve been brainwashed and in others they’ve stopped paying attention order to preserve their mental health.” Ours here remains tenuous.
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 00:47
Quick Takes Nine

As usual, just some links with takes. I bookmark more than I can write articles on, and some things aren’t worth a full article but are still worthy of comment.

Note: There is one article on Long Covid and vaccines. No vax comments will be allowed thru. If you want to talk about that, comment in the last open thread and link. Otherwise the comments will be swamped by anti-vax.

Swedish Unions Taking On Tesla. What’s important isn’t the direct strike, it’s that sympathy strikes are legal in Sweden. That explains much of the decline of unions in other countries, and that they have stayed strong in Sweden.

The Tesla strike has attracted secondary action from eight other unions and is threatening to spread to neighbouring Norway

Thu, 07/03/2024 - 00:27
I recently read Cory Doctorow’s new novel, The Bezzle. (FYI his publisher sent me a copy.) It’s the follow-up (and in the story’s own timeline, a prequel) to Cory’s excellent tech-themed thriller, Red Team Blues. The hero of Red Team Blues is Marty Hench, a forensic accountant who loves barbecuing, whiskey, and exposing elaborate financial […]
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 00:00

Dear Adults of the World,

We, the babies of the world, have heard your complaints about us crying on airplanes, in restaurants, and while you were standing in line for churros at Disneyland. And here’s the thing we want you to keep in mind: We are literally going to take over the world.

We will be your doctors, your investment managers, and the people who can choose what name to write on your Starbucks cup. And if you spend a lot of time being jerks to us babies, we will not forget.

If you complain to the flight attendant about one of us crying because it’s interrupting your viewing of the latest Fast and Furious movie, we will remember. If you say our misshapen heads look too cone-like, we will make a note. If you complain on social media about a baby being allowed at a public park, we have a special list just for that.

How do we keep track, you might ask? Let’s just say it’s a complex system involving cell phones, smart speakers, ghosts, and cats.