
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 18:50

Θεωρητικά, η ΕΕ ενστερνίζεται τον φιλελευθερισμό της ελεύθερης οικονομία. Στην πραγματικότητα, ξεκίνησε ως καρτέλ παραγωγών άνθρακα και χάλυβα που, ανοιχτά και νόμιμα, έλεγχε τις τιμές και την παραγωγή μέσω μιας πολυεθνικής γραφειοκρατίας στις Βρυξέλλες. Ο Μάνος, αγρότης έκτης γενιάς από τη Θεσσαλία, μου το έθεσε ωμά όταν του ζήτησα να μου εξηγήσει γιατί ήταν διατεθειμένος […]

The post Πώς το καρτέλ της ΕΕ ένωσε τους τσιφλικάδες του Βορρά με τους αγρότες του Νότου | 247 News appeared first on Yanis Varoufakis.

Thu, 07/03/2024 - 14:37

The Grayzone has obtained slides from a confidential Israel lobby presentation based on data from Republican pollster Frank Luntz. They contain talking points for politicians and public figures seeking to justify Israel’s assault on the Gaza Strip. Two prominent pro-Israel lobby groups are holding private briefings in New York City to coach elected officials and well-known figures on how to influence public opinion in favor of the Israeli military’s rampage in Gaza, The Grayzone can reveal. These PR sessions, convened […]

The post Leaked Israel lobby presentation urges US officials to justify war on Gaza with ‘Hamas rape’ claims first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post Leaked Israel lobby presentation urges US officials to justify war on Gaza with ‘Hamas rape’ claims appeared first on The Grayzone.

Thu, 07/03/2024 - 12:00
That’s quite an invitation, no? By contrast, here’s Biden: You tell me which one is fit to be president. By the way, this from Dave Weigel is interesting: A super PAC that urged non-Republicans to cast primary votes for Nikki Haley is pivoting to November, urging Haley’s voters to support President Joe Biden. Starting today, Primary Pivot will become Haley Voters for Biden, and urge anyone who supported Haley in a swing state to stick with the president in November. “This is an effort from people who have actually supported Nikki Haley to try to guide as many of them as possible toward the candidate that respects democracy, even if they may disagree with him politically,” said Primary Pivot co-founder Robert Schwartz. In a statement, Primary Pivot said it would focus on Haley voters in states where they could be counted — nearly 300,000 in Michigan, and nearly 250,000 in North Carolina. The super PAC, which started by urging New Hampshire Democrats to temporarily switch their registrations, spent hundreds of thousands of dollars to activate potential Haley voters in South Carolina and Super Tuesday states.
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 11:03
“Israel is now massacring desperate, starving Palestinians seeking to obtain food for their slowly-dying children.” The situation in Gaza is now so terrifying as to be unspeakable, writes South Africa in an urgent request for the International Court of Justice to issue additional provisional measures to stop Israel’s genocide. South Africa today filed an urgent Continue reading »
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 10:33
I don’t think TV ads work the way they used to but it can’t hurt to try a simple message and repeat it over and over again. Repetition is key: An estimated $2.7 billion is expected to be spent just on presidential campaign advertising this cycle. Pro-Biden super PACs Future Forward and American Bridge already have committed to a blizzard of ads, with $250 million and $200 million in spending respectively, as Democrats prepare an onslaught of ads to turn voters’ attention away from Biden’s age and remind them of Trump’s chaotic first term. In a memo released Wednesday morning, the Biden campaign said that groups allied with it had committed to spending more than $700 million to help defeat Trump. And with the president’s team eager to turn 2024 into a choice election for voters, plans are in place for the campaign itself to ramp up contrast ad-spending this spring. A person familiar with Biden’s campaign strategy but not authorized to speak about it publicly said it will come earlier than when then-President Barack Obama’s allies began turning up the heat on Republican rival Mitt Romney in 2012.
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 08:30
Is anyone surprised? I don’t think anything could be more predictable, not even the sun coming up tomorrow. “It is abundantly clear that former President Trump has earned the requisite support of Republican voters to be our nominee for President of the United States,” McConnell said in a statement to The Washington Post. “It should come as no surprise that as nominee, he will have my support. During his presidency, we worked together to accomplish great things for the American people including tax reform that supercharged our economy and a generational change of our federal judiciary — most importantly, the Supreme Court. I look forward to the opportunity of switching from playing defense against the terrible policies the Biden administration has pursued to a sustained offense geared towards making a real difference in improving the lives of the American people.” McConnell — who has announced he will step down from his leadership role in November — is one of the most influential Washington Republicans to back Trump, and the endorsement was a remarkable, if expected, move from the Kentucky Republican.
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 08:00
Its that time of the year … I have a long flight today with a long drive from where I have been working this week to get to the airport and at the end of the various journeys will be a birthday cake (cue LC). The travel is to get me to where the cake…
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 07:00
Sometimes I feel as if they’re just trying to make me think I’m crazy. I never in a million years would have thought that Republicans would cut the funding for the FBI but here we are. I think the most astonishing thing about this is that they’ve done it strictly for the purpose of defending that cretin Donald Trump. It’s not that they’ve truly decided that the police need to be hemmed in or that the FBI is too big and powerful. They just want to exact revenge on behalf of their Dear Leader. If he wins they’ll pack it with toadies and give them everything they ever wanted to go after their enemies.
Thu, 07/03/2024 - 06:23

Like any football fan, I’m used to hearing differing takes on the same event. Nevertheless, I was surprised to read the Guardian’s report on those who gathered outside the Arsenal vs Tottenham Women’s Super League game last Saturday to protest the genocide in Gaza. According to the report, protesters were intimidating enough to scare dozens […]