
Mon, 06/11/2023 - 21:36

‘Our cells have turned into dungeons.’ Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails and detention centres have slowly been able to relay harrowing stories of the Israeli Prison Service’s brutal crackdown on them since 7 October. They are sharing chilling testimonies in the few opportunities they have to make contact with the world outside their cell — […]

Mon, 06/11/2023 - 21:18
In contrast to its attitude to private debt, which it ignores, mainstream economics obsesses about government debt. But this volte-face doesn’t besmirch its record of being 100% wrong. This is the first half of chapter nine of my draft book Rebuilding Economics from the Top Down, which will be published later this year by the … Continue reading "It’s a Mixed Credit-Fiat World"
Mon, 06/11/2023 - 20:28
Silicon Valley companies began life with the Fairy dust of 1960s dreams sprinkled on them. The revolution that 1960s activists dreamed of had failed, but the personal computer movement carried that dream onto the early personal computer industry. Hobbyist fairs, a communitarian language, and the very place of their birth encouraged this fantasy. Nevertheless, it […]
Mon, 06/11/2023 - 18:19
Enough! (Palestine)

OK. Let’s lay this out.

Israel is genociding Palestinians in Gaza. It has killed more civilians in three weeks than Ukraine and Russia have all war. Over 60% of casualties are children and women. They are deliberately flattening as many residential buildings as possible. They have bombed multiple hospitals, every single university and just hit the remaining water facility, while Palestinians have almost no water to drink.

Their end-goal is to force whoever survives into Egypt.

The US, may their empire collapse now, is sheep-dogging the Israeli genocide.

Mon, 06/11/2023 - 14:01
In last month’s US labour market briefing – US labour market – stability abounds although, worryingly, real wage gains have evaporated (October 9, 2023) – I noted that while there was no major slowdown signalled, the real wage gains made in previous months had evaporated. I wasn’t sure whether that was a sign that a…
Mon, 06/11/2023 - 11:30
What would a second Trump term mean for the climate? Ok, kids, pay attention. This is for real. Back in the home stretch of the 2020 presidential election, I stated that a second Trump term would be “game over for the climate.” That hasn’t changed in the years since. In fact, it’s become even more true. We are three years further down the carbon emissions highway, and the devastating consequences of the 1C (1.8F) warming we have already caused are now apparent in the form of unprecedented dangerous, damaging and deadly extreme weather events. As yet, we have not taken the exit ramp needed to avoid a far worse planetary warming of 1.5C (3F). Yes, real progress has been made during the Biden era, with “staggering” green energy growth nearly on track to reach the needed reductions in carbon emissions in the power generation sector. But power generation is only a slice of the carbon emissions pie, responsible for about one-fifth of total carbon emissions. The rest comes from transportation, industry, agriculture and buildings.
Mon, 06/11/2023 - 09:10

On September 19, 2001, eight days after 9/11, as the leaders of both parties were already pounding a frenzied drumbeat of war, a diverse group of concerned Americans released a warning about the long-term consequences of a military response. Among them were veteran civil rights activists, faith leaders, and public intellectuals, including Rosa Parks, Harry Belafonte, and Palestinian-American Edward Said. Rare public opponents of the drive to war at the time, they wrote with level-headed clarity: Twenty-three years and more than two wars later, this statement reads as a tragic footnote to America’s Global War on Terror that left an entire region of the planet immiserated. It contributed to the direct and indirect deaths of close to 4.5 million people,... Read more

Source: Roses Dressed in Black appeared first on