A conversation with Issue 53 cover artist John Hendrix.
The post The Call to Adventure and the Pit of Despair appeared first on Nautilus.
Israel’s allegations against the UNRWA aid organisation in Gaza have been rapidly exposed as lies.
The post Israeli attack on UNRWA aid another genocidal act first appeared on Solidarity Online.
For almost four days in January protest action with workers refusing to cross the community picket succeeded in preventing work on the ZIM shipping-line at Webb Dock in Melbourne.
The post ZIM, blockades and the unions: Lessons from Webb Dock first appeared on Solidarity Online.
More than 70 Victorian teachers and school staff attended a forum “Teachers for Palestine: why there’s no ‘neutrality’ on genocide” on 22 January, despite the Opposition Education spokesperson calling for the Education Department to discipline attendees.
The post Teachers won’t be silenced on Palestine first appeared on Solidarity Online.
After more than four months of determined industrial action, wharfies at DP World port terminals have won a 25.6 per cent pay rise over four years, while accepting changes to rostering.
The post DP World workers make big gains on pay but fall short on rosters first appeared on Solidarity Online.
The NSW Labor government is set to lock in more pollution through extending the life of Eraring, the country’s largest coal-fired power station.
The post Labor extending the life of coal and gas amid climate emergency first appeared on Solidarity Online.
The long-awaited review of Australia’s offshore detention was finally made public on 12 February, confirming all the issues with corruption that have been known for years.
The post Corruption shows offshore detention is rotten to the core—Labor can’t hide first appeared on Solidarity Online.
Criminal charges are being considered against a police officer over the death of 16-year-old Jai Wright, after the NSW Coroner suspended the inquest after two days on 30 January.
The post Charges against police possible over Jai Wright death first appeared on Solidarity Online.
About 1.4 million people marched across Germany at the end of January against the far right AfD (Alternative for Germany) party.
The post Mass protests target German AfD as far right on the rise first appeared on Solidarity Online.
A new armed offensive poses a major challenge to Myanmar’s military dictatorship after years of resistance, writes Vivian Honan
The post Myanmar’s generals face defeat first appeared on Solidarity Online.
Hamas grew out of the legitimate Palestinian resistance to Israel’s violence, writes James Supple, but its focus on armed struggle has not delivered liberation
The post Hamas and the politics of Palestinian resistance first appeared on Solidarity Online.
A GROUP of Coffs Harbour Indigenous Elders have voiced concerns that Closing the Gap initiatives continue to fail to make a real impact in their communities. Closing the Gap is a national agreement intended to enable Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people and governments to work together to overcome inequality experienced by Indigenous Australians. Advertise...
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THE 34th year of Clean Up Australia Day takes place around the country on Sunday 3 March. A number of local clean-up sites on the Coffs Coast have been registered. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981 8882. Email us –
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BIRDERS at the North Coast Regional Botanic Garden in Coffs are rejoicing with the tally of feathered friends already spotted this year on ‘their patch’. “Over 70 already this year,” Friends of the North Coast Regional Botanic Garden volunteer and keen local birder Cheryl Cooper told News Of The Area. Advertise with News of...
The post Coffs Botanic Garden is a top birding hotspot appeared first on News Of The Area.
A BRAND spanking new rail footbridge across Boambee Creek will be in place by July 2024. Requiring major repairs, the ageing infrastructure provides much-used pedestrian access from Sawtell to the southern end of Boambee Beach. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us – (02) 4981...
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