My Octopus Teacher’s Craig Foster considers the uncharismatic.
The post Falling in Love with a Fly appeared first on Nautilus.
My Octopus Teacher’s Craig Foster considers the uncharismatic.
The post Falling in Love with a Fly appeared first on Nautilus.
This unique community of orcas is starving to death.
The post An A to Z of Hungry Killer Whales appeared first on Nautilus.
Is gravity weaker over distances of billions of light-years?
The post A Cosmic Glitch in Gravity appeared first on Nautilus.
The human costs of faulty disaster warnings.
The post Crying Wolf in an Age of Alarms appeared first on Nautilus.
Life will stand a better chance against climate change if we mix big- and small-picture thinking.
The post The Case for Scientific Transculturalism appeared first on Nautilus.
How Earth’s habitable continents arose—and survived.
The post We Came from Lowly Mud appeared first on Nautilus.
This island of macaques rebuilt their social networks after calamity.
The post How a Hurricane Brought Monkeys Together appeared first on Nautilus.
Lee Alan Dugatkin on his 3 greatest revelations while writing The Well-Connected Animal.
The post The Astonishing Ways Animals Use Social Networks appeared first on Nautilus.
Higher education is at the core of the political challenges confronting the Albanese government, principally of boosting capital accumulation whilst safeguarding aspects of social reproduction. The Albanese government has prioritised skills training and an industry policy focusing on green energy, but this is at the expense of social reproduction including in areas of education.
How frosty pockets in valleys could help protect some trees against climate change.
The post A Buffer Zone for Trees appeared first on Nautilus.