Climate change could upend how we synchronize global clocks forever.
The post How Melting Ice Has Altered Time-Keeping appeared first on Nautilus.
Climate change could upend how we synchronize global clocks forever.
The post How Melting Ice Has Altered Time-Keeping appeared first on Nautilus.
How comedy plays on our emotions to fight misinformation.
The post A Scientist Walks Into a Bar … appeared first on Nautilus.
Novel ways to use gene-editing to make farming more sustainable.
The post Color-Coding Crops for Climate Change appeared first on Nautilus.
Inside the hunt for habitable planets.
The post Discovering the First Other Earths appeared first on Nautilus.
Interview with Jason W. Moore by Gennaro Avallone on Oltre la giustizia climatica: Verso un’ecologia della rivoluzione [Beyond Climate Justice: Towards an Ecology of Revolution] (Verona: Ombre Corte, 2024).
The post Climate, Class & Empire: Towards an Ecology of Revolution appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).
Plainfin midshipman fish migrate from the deep sea to spawn—and then things get weird.
The post The Curious Life of a Singing Fish appeared first on Nautilus.
Neuroscientist Christof Koch on human minds, AI, and bacteria.
The post What Counts as Consciousness appeared first on Nautilus.
Climate change and overfishing are decimating sardines in the Philippines.
The post Sardines Are Feeling the Squeeze appeared first on Nautilus.
A new consensus emerges.
The post Insects and Other Animals May Have Consciousness appeared first on Nautilus.
Reflections on a philosopher who believed we can solve the problem of consciousness.
The post I Never Stopped Learning from Daniel Dennett appeared first on Nautilus.