Post Keynesian authors have offered various classifications of uncertainty … A common distinction is that of epistemological versus ontological uncertainty, with the former depending on the limitations of human reasoning and the latter on the actual nature of social systems … Models of ontological uncertainty tend to hinge on the existence of information that is […]
Back in 1991, when yours truly earned his first PhD with a dissertation on decision making and rationality in social choice theory and game theory, I concluded that “repeatedly it seems as though mathematical tractability and elegance — rather than realism and relevance — have been the most applied guidelines for the behavioural assumptions being […]
Idag presenterades LO:s årliga rapport om inkomstskillnader i vårt land — Makteliten: i raketfart från verkligheten. Den visar att näringslivets direktörslöner fortsätter att dra ifrån rejält och idag ligger på en historiskt hög nivå. Den genomsnittliga inkomsten för vd:arna vid de 50 största svenska företagen motsvarade år 2023 mer än 70 industriarbetarlöner. Men för vår […]
As Lars Syll wrote here last month, too much of the profession “has since long given up on the real world” and is happy to investigate the “thought-up worlds” of unrealistic economic models. Too much attention is focused on how the parts of the model fit together, rather than on how well the models fit […]
. Dynamic programming is a cornerstone of optimal control theory. By recursively breaking down complex problems into smaller, more manageable subproblems, it serves as a powerful tool in economics. Economic analysis often involves decisions with long-term consequences, and dynamic programming helps model how different agents make optimal choices when each decision depends on the current […]
. And, yes, there is a strong connection between the knapsack problem and Bellman’s principle of optimality through dynamic programming, which leverages the principle of optimality to break the problem into smaller subproblems and build up the solution …
Economics courses at university in Australia have been under threat for several decades now and many specialist degrees have been abandoned by universities as student enrolments declined. When the federal government merged the vocational higher education institutions (Colleges of Advanced Education) with the universities in the late 1980s, traditional economics faculties were swamped with half-baked…
Sällan eller aldrig har man anledning vara nöjd med ekonomijournalistiken i press, radio och television. Ytterst få ekonomijournalister och börsanalytiker tar sitt jobb på allvar och bedriver ekonomisk journalistik värd namnet. De flesta av oss har därför sedan länge gett upp. Synd bara att allmänheten ska behöva nöja sig med det tyckmyckentrutade nonsens näringsliv och […]