New South Wales is Australia’s most populated state, with just under a third of the national population residing in NSW. The disruptions of the COVID pandemic had a significant impact on the state, with...
As forecasters, we simplify millions of data points into a single forecast number that tells you when, where and how much a place is expected to grow. But that simplicity can disguise the deep...
As one of our most experienced population forecasters, Richard Thornton’s daily work exposes him to the many factors that influence when, where and how much growth occurs in different parts of Australia. In this...
The latest Australian life expectancy dataset has recently been released for the 2020–2022 period. Demographer Glenn Capuano unpacks the impact of COVID-19, lays out how life expectancy varies across Australia, and revisits what the data...
In October, we held a series of launch events to celebrate the fact, our detailed, local area forecast of population, housing and development, are now available nationwide. In today’s blog, we share the...
The demographic drivers behind Tasmania’s growth are changing. In our recent webinar, Fighting history: Can Tasmania sustain population growth after the pandemic?, we explained why we don’t expect Tasmania’s recent growth trajectory to be...
By 2041, our forecasts show Australia will have 624,000 more school-aged children than it did in 2021; 252,000 primary school-aged (5-11), and 372,000 secondary-school aged (12-17). And every one of these children will need...
As Australia’s new suburbs continue to accommodate much of the country’s population growth, it becomes crucial to adapt housing and services to meet the evolving demands of their growing share of maturing families and single...
Just as schools have evolved beyond ‘chalk and talk’ in the education experience they provide our kids, the profession of demographic forecasting has developed in recent years to the point where school planning can...
Anyone following the news cycle in the lead-up to the federal budget will have heard the figure of ‘400,000 people from overseas coming to Australia this year’. That level of migration has created headlines...