
Mon, 07/08/2023 - 07:58

TENDER loving care was the order of the day on Sunday 30 July as Korora Landcare marked National Tree Day planting about forty coastal acacias and callistemons, allocasuarinas and acacias on a site it has been restoring. “This year we met at one of our newer worksites, Hills Beach Coffs Coastal Regional Park,” Simon Proust,...

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Mon, 07/08/2023 - 07:54

ARTISTS in the Garden this Sunday 6 August, is all about Basquiat. “For this month’s meeting the focus is on the gifted American artist Jean-Michel Basquiat,” Artists in the Garden director Tammy Mills-Thom told News Of The Area. Advertise with News of The Area today. It’s worth it for your business. Message us. Phone us...

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Mon, 07/08/2023 - 07:27

It was summer almost half a century ago when I got into that Volkswagen van and began my trip across the country with Peter, a photographer friend. I was officially doing so as a reporter for a small San Francisco news service, having been sent out to tap the mood of the nation in a politically fraught moment. The Vietnam War, with all its domestic protests and disturbances, was just ending. North Vietnamese troops would soon enough enter Saigon, the South Vietnamese capital; the president of the United States, Richard Nixon, was then trapped in an escalating scandal called “Watergate.” And here was the odd thing. I felt trapped, too. In some way, I felt lost. As I put it... Read more

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Mon, 07/08/2023 - 06:30
An excerpt of a Raw Story exclusive from neuroscientist Seth D Northolm: I was dying…It was just a matter of time. Lying behind the wheel of the airplane, bleeding out of the right side of my devastated body, I waited for the rapid shooting to stop. —Former Representative Jackie Speier in her memoir Undaunted: Surviving Jonestown, Summoning Courage, and Fighting Back recounting her experience after being shot five times during an ambush during her fact-finding visit to Jonestown, Guyana where Jim Jones and his cult, Peoples Temple, had built a compound. It, combined with everything else that was going on, made it difficult to breathe…Being crushed by the shield and the people behind it … leaving me defenseless, injured. —Metropolitan police officer, Daniel Hodges, describing being crushed in a doorway during the January 6, 2021, attack by Trump supporters on the U.S. Capitol In both of the examples above, the individual speaking was the victim of extreme violence perpetrated by followers of a single person whose influence had spread to hundreds of people (in the January 6th case, thousands of people).
Mon, 07/08/2023 - 04:58
Extreme climate impacts are exploding in this year’s Northern Hemisphere summer. We urgently need to understand how climate disruption will affect Australians: their safety and well-being in the face of ever-more-extreme climate events, the viability of public and private infrastructure, communications and logistical systems, challenges to food security, and much more. The Australian Government is Continue reading »
Mon, 07/08/2023 - 04:56
In an age when the mainstream media scene is monotone and superficial, Pearls and Irritations covers important stories that would otherwise be ignored, and offers a refreshing diversity of opinion. It needs your support to survive and grow. Regular contributors provide insights in public policy areas including the economy, defence and foreign relations, religion and Continue reading »
Mon, 07/08/2023 - 04:56
It’s hard to credit, but the Australian Strategic Policy Institute (ASPI) continues its incessant grumbling about forms of interference across a number of areas of Australian political and economic debate. What stands out in this method of noisy declaration is the tactic of sidelining legitimate public debate. Such interference supposedly impairs the credibility of the Continue reading »
Mon, 07/08/2023 - 04:55
Wars the US waged in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Pakistan following September 11, 2001 caused at least 4.5 million deaths and displaced 38 to 60 million people, with 7.6 million children starving today, according to studies by Brown University. The wars the United States waged and fuelled in Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, Yemen, and Pakistan Continue reading »
Mon, 07/08/2023 - 04:50
The North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) held its annual summit on 11–12 July in Vilnius, Lithuania. The communiqué released after the first day’s proceedings claimed that ‘NATO is a defensive alliance’, a statement that encapsulates why many struggle to grasp its true essence. A look at the latest military spending figures shows, to the contrary, that NATO Continue reading »
Mon, 07/08/2023 - 00:30
The Cold War never ended for the American right Cliff Schecter posted the clip below last night and it’s a fine example of the conservative reflex for branding as communist everything and everybody they dislike. Three-plus decades after the end of the Cold War that they declared Saint Ronald of Reagan had won, they still can’t let it go. They’re still looking for commies in woodpiles and for Reds under their beds before they cower beneath the sheets. Upon review, I was surprised to see that Ed Kilgore wrote in response to Donald Trump branding his opponents communists that he “hadn’t heard a Republican call a Democrat a commie since the high tide of McCarthyism.” Looking at the clip Cliff posted, where’s Ed been all this time? Kilgore wrote in March 2022: It’s not just Trump throwing the term around.
Sun, 06/08/2023 - 23:00
More smoke grenades It’s time to revisit some old posts about a tactic used by the right now being deployed against the supposed “Biden crime family.” It is a variety of throwing spaghetti at the wall to see what sticks (All the president’s lawyers; 9/7/22): It is a time-tested tactic on the right. Practiced and perfected. Gin up fake controversy over anything and everything. From tan suits to sloppy salutes. From Benghazi to emails. Pimp it like hell until the press can’t stop itself from reporting the controversy. Rush Limbaugh built a career on serving up a daily dose of outrage to his listeners until they would go into withdrawal if it stopped. I’ve described the decades-long, Republican phony effort to convince the public there is massive voter fraud as them lobbing smoke bombs into newsrooms. By the time the smoke clears and we discover, yet again, there was never a fire, all the public remembers is they saw smoke and heard someone yelling, “Fire!” Lather, rinse, repeat. Digby calls it the “where there’s smoke there’s fire” gambit.