
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 04:52
It seems Liberal voters are figuring out that their party has been hijacked. Labor voters are slower off the mark, but Labor also bears little resemblance to its past. Political terminology lags even more, which obscures radical shifts in our political mainstream. Robert Menzies was reported by Senator Ron Boswell to have said in 1970: Continue reading »
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 04:50
The Pentagon Papers whistleblower, who has a diagnosis of pancreatic cancer, is urging a ceasefire in Ukraine. “This is not a species to be trusted with nuclear weapons,” he tells Marjorie Cohn. The legendary Daniel Ellsberg has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. In a March 1 email to friends, Dan wrote, “I’m sorry to report to you that Continue reading »
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 03:30
QOTD: Andrew Weissman on Trump going after the prosecutor and judge’s families: “You do not have this behavior from a mob boss. There is a rule in organized crime. You do not do this with respect to prosecutors. You don’t do this with respect to the judge. You certainly don’t go after their families. It’s bad business to do that.” Trump’s more like a street thug. The mafia has too many rules for him.
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 03:00

Showed up for the tour and was met by Moses. He had a bull, three sheep, and eight pigeons that he said we’d be ritually sacrificing en route. He spent a long time showing me and my wife his sharp “sacrificing knife.” I was up for it, but my wife was repulsed. We had to rebook with another guide. Would have been nice if we were given some advance notice about the planned animal slaughter.

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Don’t be put off by Moses’s advanced age and long white beard, he’s still spry. As for his smell, you quickly get used to it.

The highlight of the tour was his riffs. I recorded these gems on my phone:

Fri, 07/04/2023 - 02:26

Alex Saurez, author of “The Diplomat," a book about the US kidnapping of Venezuelan Diplomat Alex Saab, joins Lee Camp to discuss the exreajudicial kidnapping, the court case that followed, and much more.

The post Alex Saab: The Venezuelan Diplomat Kidnapped by the United States with Alex Saurez appeared first on MintPress News.

Fri, 07/04/2023 - 02:00
Charlie Sykes (subs. only) wonders if the Republican Party is heading toward extinction: The key to survival of any species is its ability to adapt. That’s as true of politics as it is of biology. Political parties must learn when to fight or flee, or risk being mauled by some rough beast, whose hour has come round at last. So students of history will fascinated by the torpor of the GOP circa 2023. Republicans were, after all, warned. Again and again. On Trump and abortion, but also on guns, moral Grundyism, and their addiction to the crazy. Yet despite all the red blinking lights— and they are flashing everywhere — the GOP simply smacks its lips and says, ‘This is fine.” More, please. The latest flare comes from my home state, Wisconsin. As Bill Lueders writes in today’s Bulwark, the race for Supreme Court here was the most expensive judicial race in American history. But, ultimately, the election was decided not by money, but by issues, especially abortion. And it was a landslide in a crucial swing state. The Wall Street Journal editorial board is reaching for the panic button.
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 01:04

Prior to attending my first DrupalCon, I had always wanted to learn more about Drupal, the Drupal community, and the Drupal Association. I was able to connect with Von Eaton, the Drupal Association’s Director, Programs, who was beyond amazing in diving deeper with me about the Drupal community. Through our interview engagement, I discovered more about DrupalCon and was offered the chance to attend!

DrupalCon is a four day-long conference where the Drupal community gets together, shares ideas, and collaborates on new ventures. It offers the opportunity to network within the community and also take time to break bread together. This is something I had a great interest in attending, and it was made possible through the DrupalCon Scholarship Program.

Fri, 07/04/2023 - 00:30
Reactionaries are playing for keeps in the provinces Under the guise of “election integrity,” Republican secretaries of state held a two-day conference in Washington in February to discuss efforts to restrict voter access to the ballot box. The watchdog group Documented shared documents from the Heritage Foundation-sponsored event with the Guardian. “A list of attendees namechecks the chief election officials of Indiana, Florida, Mississippi, Missouri, Montana, Tennessee, Virginia and West Virginia,” write Ed Pilkington and Jamie Corey: The keynote speech was given by Ken Blackwell, former secretary of state in Ohio. He was an early adopter of Trump’s lie about rigged elections, championing the idea in the 2016 presidential race which Trump won. Blackwell now chairs the Center for Election Integrity at the America First Policy Institute, a rightwing thinktank led by former Trump officials. The center has been touting election-related model legislation. Heritage was careful to organize the conference amid tight secrecy.
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 00:01
by Cole Thompson

Artificial Intelligence, or AI, is attracting great attention as working AI systems become accessible to the public. The AI claim is that it can digest the mass of knowledge that humanity has made public, then perform cognitive tasks with that knowledge or answer questions with speed and accuracy. This has many implications, some potentially worrisome. But when AI works well, it can serve up some interesting “truths.”

While AI does not generate authoritative or definitive information—you wouldn’t bet your savings on its output—my sense is that its findings often deserve a hearing.

The post Even AI Understands Limits to Growth appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.

Thu, 06/04/2023 - 23:29

[The following is excerpted from David Barsamian’s recent interview with Noam Chomsky at] David Barsamian: On March 20th, the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change issued its latest report. The new IPCC assessment from senior scientists warned that there’s little time to lose in tackling the climate crisis. UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres said, “The rate of temperature rise in the last half-century is the highest in 2,000 years. Concentrations of carbon dioxide are at their highest in at least 2 million years. The climate time bomb is ticking.” At COP 27 he said, “We are on a highway to climate hell with our foot still on the accelerator. It is the defining issue of our age. It is the... Read more

Source: Savage Capitalism appeared first on

Thu, 06/04/2023 - 23:04
Some Acts Are Always Evil

This is a post a lot of readers will misunderstand or refuse to understand, because our society requires us to do evil regularly and we want to pretend it isn’t evil.

Some acts are always evil.

To understand this you need to make the correct division between an act and the consequences of that act.

The act and the consequences are two different things.

Let’s take something which is, I hope, universally agreed among my readers. Rape is always evil. It is always an evil act. Even if someone comes up with a convoluted scenario under which some good came as a consequence rape is always an evil act.

We start her to show something simple: that some acts are evil.

This is necessary because our society has gone too far in cultural determinism. “Evil and good are completely social constructs.”