
Sat, 08/04/2023 - 00:23
Swedish governments have for years now announced that they want to tighten the rules for religious for-profit free schools. Last year Minister of Education Lina Axelsson Kihlbom claimed that this would be “an important step in regaining democratic control in schools.” Goodness gracious! And to think that we still have to hear this nonsense. It’s […]
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 23:00
You’re under attack. Get busy fighting. Gotta go do a thing this morning. Courage for America’s bus stop is up the road: Americans count on Social Security for retirement and rely on Medicare and Medicaid for prescription drugs and essential care. After a lifetime of hard work and paying in, these programs allow Americans to live and age with dignity and respect. Some in Congress want to end these guarantees by refusing to pay bills they already owe. They would rather default on our debt obligations or make extreme cuts to hard-earned benefits than protect the seniors, veterans, teachers, health care workers, small business owners, and millions of Americans they swore to serve. That’s why we’re on the road to demand Congress promises to back off our benefits. We started in Speaker McCarthy’s district and will finish up in D.C. to mark the MAGA House agenda’s 100th day. Join us on tour and add your name to the Back Off Our Benefits petition. My health care hero Laura Packard is on that bus. She’s alive today because the ACA was there for her. Is the ACA enough? No. But it’s something to build on.
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 22:31

Drought profiteers - financial industry executives buying up public freshwater resources in a time of increasing drought - are pushing the US water supply to the brink of collapse, reports Lee Camp.

The post Drought Profiteers: Wall Street Billionaires Are Snatching Up America’s Water appeared first on MintPress News.

Fri, 07/04/2023 - 22:00

Dear Farmers and Black Market Animal Traders of 2300 BCE:

My name is Noah, son of Lamech and ninth descendent of Adam. I am six hundred years old and I need to look at your animals’ pee-pees. Long story short, God’s sending a colossal wall of water to cleanse creation of wickedness, which means I’ll for sure need to take a peek at basically every species of animals’ nuggins and noodles within the next, like, two or three weeks.

To be clear: this isn’t something I want to do or have dreamed of doing ever since I was a tiny prophet in my mother’s arms and first laid eyes upon the sumptuous underbelly of our neighbor Jehoshabeath’s prized meat hog, and I’m definitely not making this whole flood thing up so I can go around the lands of Ararat and score a gander at a bunch of titillating animal down-unders.

Fri, 07/04/2023 - 21:00

By Walt Zlotow / When President Biden announced sanctions against Russia over their February, 2022 invasion of Ukraine, he called it a battle of democracy over tyranny. He expected Africa to rally to the US lead. Unsurprisingly, not one of Africa’s 54 countries as joined US sanctions against Russia. Many are neutral; some even […]

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Fri, 07/04/2023 - 20:53
Cowardly Starmer sends minions out to take the heat for his crassness and lack of moral principle Labour right-winger and front-bencher Lucy Powell suffered an absolute car-crash of an interview this morning when she tried to defend last night’s vile and racist exploitation of child abuse victims for cheap political points on social media by […]
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 20:13
In a bit of synchronicity, after pointing out that the Collective West was more free with information with respect to Ukraine than was ideal during a war, today we have the US government het up about an apparent leak. The New York Times reported that some US and NATO plans for building up the third […]
Fri, 07/04/2023 - 20:09

By Kevin Gosztola / The Dissenter The warden of Her Majesty’s Prison Belmarsh blocked representatives with the press freedom organization Reporters Without Borders (RSF) from visiting WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange, despite previously reviewing RSF’s request and agreeing to grant access. Rebecca Vincent, the director of operations and campaigns for RSF, declared, “We followed all rules […]

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Fri, 07/04/2023 - 20:07

By Juan Cole / Informed Comment Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – Seeing Trump arraigned in New York on Tuesday was satisfying even if the outcome of the trial cannot be foreseen and he has a presumption of innocence. There is obviously evidence that he falsified his business records for the purpose of hiding material facts […]

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Fri, 07/04/2023 - 20:03

By W.T. Whitney / CounterPunch Although Cuba’s Revolution survived military invasion, guerrilla actions, terrorist attacks, and bacteriologic warfare, enough was not enough. Now there are pay-offs to dissidents, manipulation of worldwide media coverage, and weaponization of social media capabilities. The U.S. economic and financial blockade persists, after 60 years, and will continue. That’s mostly because […]

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Fri, 07/04/2023 - 18:50
Psychology professor Susan Fiske doesn’t like when people use social media to publish negative comments on published research. She’s implicitly following what I’ve sometimes called the research incumbency rule: that, once an article is published in some approved venue, it should be taken as truth. I’ve written elsewhere on my problems with this attitude — […]