Clue: You have a favorite TV detective and are prepared to defend your choice with specific supporting details.
Catan: You enjoy asking whether anyone would trade wood for some sheep. Who cares if you’ve asked it for the tenth time tonight and your resource management strategy is completely unsustainable?
Ticket to Ride: You insist on describing yourself as a cool, chill, go-with-the-flow person, but all your friends have seen your competitive side, even those who weren’t there for the table-flipping incident of ’19.
Charades: You’ve never been to a game night before, but you have seen one on TV.
Jenga: You have a steady hand, an indomitable spirit, and an extra set in the car in case the host’s labradoodle runs off with fallen blocks again.
Uno: One of your friends is mad at you.
Risk: Most of your friends are mad at you.
Game of Thrones Risk: All of your friends are mad at you.
A deal made by Alito’s wife with an energy company paints recent Supreme Court decisions on the environment in a damning light.
The post Samuel Alito’s Wife Leased Land to an Oil and Gas Firm While the Justice Fought the EPA appeared first on The Intercept.
Last week the Bank of England’s Monetary Policy Committee (MPC) hiked interest rates to five percent, with money markets predicting rates to reach six percent by the end of the year. This brings rates to the highest level since before the 2008 financial crisis, significantly increasing the risk of recession. When asked whether he endorsed the […]
Uncover the hidden truths behind America's empire as historian Aaron Good delves into the history of US dominance, the role of the CIA and NATO, and the looming challenge posed by China, revealing the fragile nature of America's military might and the power dynamics shaping our world.
The post The CIA, NATO and the US Empire with Aaron Good appeared first on MintPress News.
There are a few possible answers to this question, but one comes out of a conversation I just had with a friend. He observed that replies suggest westerners don’t like the idea of arcologies:
20,000 people live in this building in China. It has supermarkets, shops, hairdressers, pharmacies.
The 15mn gulag in a single— Figen (@TheFigen_) June 23, 2023
My answer? “No. Well, it doesn’t really matter. Soon enough it will be “Arcologies, bitches, or you all die.”
Discover the visionary solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict as Lowkey interviews British-Palestinian intellectual Ghada Karmi," discussing her groundbreaking book and exposing the disturbing realities behind the cancellation of their London book launch.
The post Surviving the Nakba, a One State Solution and Being Cancelled, with Ghada Karmi appeared first on MintPress News.
Friends, the days of mental illness being too taboo to discuss are over. The time when mental illness existed in the shadows, stigmatized or never acknowledged, is gone. We are finally talking openly about various psychological conditions, and I’m so glad that we are, because it’s made it a whole lot easier for me to blame every societal problem on people with mental illnesses.
It used to be that if you wanted to discover the causes of homelessness, you had to use complex statistical methods drawing on housing costs, employment, social ties, and migration to gain an understanding of what was happening. Now that we’re no longer living in the dark age of hiding mental illness away, all we need to do is see somebody who “looks weird” talking to themselves in front of a Jiffy Lube to know exactly what causes homelessness: people with mental illnesses.
The current Tánaiste (deputy prime minister), foreign minister and defence minister, Mícheál Martin, is using his last eighteen months in office to coordinate a shift in Ireland’s foreign policy away from an eroded notion of neutrality to align more closely with an increasingly interventionist EU and an expanded NATO. His alma mater, University College Cork, […]