
Sat, 22/04/2023 - 01:04
Affärsbankerna är de opartiska expertbedömarna av den ekonomiska politiken. Men ska man väcka uppmärksamhet ska man vara näringslivets tankesmed. Det är de två mest självklara slutsatserna när svenska medier i måndags rapporterade om vårbudgeten. I en TT-artikel som publicerades redan under förmiddagen intervjuas Nordeas chefsekonom Annika Winsth och Swedbanks chefsekonom Mattias Persson, samt, sist i texten, […]
Fri, 21/04/2023 - 22:12
In Byline Times’ fourth anniversary print edition editorial, Peter Jukes and Hardeep Matharu explore how and why the established media continue to have a monopoly over the damaging narratives shaping our politics and culture – more than a decade after the phone-hacking scandal Culture is Upstream of Politics…  Trump strategist, right-wing ideologue-come-media executive and Cambridge […]
Fri, 21/04/2023 - 22:00

1. Daily ice-water facials / communal wash basins and pitchers of frozen water

2. Detox breakfast bowls with activated charcoal / burnt porridge

3. Dry brushing / uniforms made of rough, itchy fabric

4. Rejuvenating scalp treatments / cropped hair

5. Intermittent fasting plans / malnutrition

6. Co-sleeping / single-bed-sharing with fitful children

7. Stress-relief tapping sticks made from locally sourced wood / a bundle of twigs used to inflict corporal punishment

8. A twenty-four-hour silent retreat led by experienced practitioners / being shunned by your peers for an entire day by order of your professors

9. Cold exposure therapy / relying on body heat because there are no lit fires or central heating

10. Conscious unraveling / trauma

Fri, 21/04/2023 - 20:27
All science entails human judgment, and using statistical models doesn’t relieve us of that necessity. Working with misspecified models, the scientific value of statistics is actually zero — even though you’re making valid statistical inferences! Statistical models are no substitutes for doing real science. Or as a famous German philosopher famously wrote 150 years ago: […]