
Mon, 13/02/2023 - 02:02
‘Refugees are welcome here – fascism isn’t’, say crowds gathering to counter hate A large demonstration of Merseysides gathered in Knowsley this weekend at the Suites Knowsley hotel – the scene last week of far-right violence and hate toward refugees housed by the government at the hotel – to say loud and clear that refugees […]
Mon, 13/02/2023 - 01:00
Black-led anti-racist group also pays tribute to people of Liverpool and other communities who have welcomed refugees The Liberation Movement (TLM) is a cross-party, multi-faith, anti-racist alliance of African Asian Caribbean and other people of colour and their allies inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement and strongly supported at the grassroots by community and […]
Mon, 13/02/2023 - 01:00
If Democrats will let it Whether Republican or Democrat, it is not often that state power players fail to get their way in North Carolina politics. On Saturday, however, high-level Democrats’ pick for state party chair lost reelection in an upset to a young, rural activist. Center-left Carolina Forward, a nonprofit progressive research group, dubbed the election “a massive rebuke of the party establishment.” Anderson Clayton, 25, is chair in Person County (pop. 39,000) bordering Virginia north of Durham. N.C. Democrats’ State Executive Committee (SEC) chose Clayton over incumbent, Bobbie Richardson, 73, a former state House member and the party’s first Black chair elected in 2021. Richardson garnered endorsements from all seven Democratic members of the Congressional delegation, Attorney General Josh Stein, and Gov. Roy Cooper. Cooper delivered a prerecorded pitch for Richardson on the statewide Zoom call. Richardson brought endorsements. But Clayton brought game, too.
Sun, 12/02/2023 - 22:45

By Caitlin Johnstone / Substack An article by The Washington Post titled “Pentagon looks to restart top-secret programs in Ukraine” contains some interesting information about what US special ops forces were doing in Ukraine in the lead-up to the Russian invasion last year, and what they are slated to be doing there in the future.  […]

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Sun, 12/02/2023 - 22:15

By Juan Cole / Informed Consent Ann Arbor (Informed Comment) – The Jordanian newspaper al-Ghad reports that on top of the now nearly 30,000 known deaths in Turkey and Syria, millions people are estimated to have been made homeless. Not only are they without shelter, they now lack water and electricity, and often even food and the World Health Organization […]

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Sun, 12/02/2023 - 22:00

A series of disasters — including catastrophic flooding, political paralysis, exploding inflation, and a resurgent terror threat — risk sending the global player into full-blown crisis.

The post Pakistan on the Brink: What the Collapse of the Nuclear-Armed Regional Power Could Mean for the World appeared first on The Intercept.

Sun, 12/02/2023 - 22:00

By David Story / Labor Notes Unionism has seen a resurgence in popularity the past few years. The problem is, it’s very difficult to get our members organizing in their communities when they hate the way our leadership (I use that word loosely) is operating. Our unions shouldn’t be, and I’d argue weren’t meant to […]

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Sun, 12/02/2023 - 17:35
I have finally moved my blog and integrated in within my long-standing home page. The new blog address is – – although the old address will work forever. However, I do urge you to update your bookmarks to the new address. The blog is now running on a new Linux distribution with more secure…
Sun, 12/02/2023 - 11:00
Even worse than we expected In case you missed the fireworks, here’s Dana Milbank on the “weaponization” committee: One thing is clear after Thursday’s first hearing of the new “Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government”: The weaponization panel’s weapon of choice will be the blunderbuss. I don’t want to be conspiratorial about it, but House Republicans somehow turned Room 2141 of the Rayburn House Office Building, the Judiciary Committee hearing room, into the main ballroom of a QAnon convention. The witnesses — including world-class conspiracy purveyors Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Ivermectin) and former Rep. Tulsi Gabbard (I-Ukraine bioweapons labs) — might as well have been auditioning to guest-host “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” It is possible that, by random chance, one of the witnesses may have said something that is factually true, but any pellet of accuracy was lost amid all the errant slugs that ricocheted crazily out of their muzzles. They revisited the “Russian collusion hoax” perpetrated by the “fake dossier,” Fusion GPS, Peter Strzok and Lisa Page.
Sun, 12/02/2023 - 10:00
One of the issues with seditious conspiracy charges against Trump is the matter of intent. Did he know that he had lost the election and went ahead with his plot anyway? Of course he did. And here is some external proof we haven’t seen before: Former president Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign commissioned an outside research firm in a bid to prove electoral fraud claims but never released the findings because the firm disputed many of his theories and could not offer any proof that he was the rightful winner of the election, according to four people familiar with the matter. The campaign paid researchers from Berkeley Research Group, the people said, to study 2020 election results in six states, looking for fraud and irregularities to highlight in public and in the courts. Among the areas examined werevoter machine malfunctions, instances of dead people voting and any evidence that could help Trump show he won, the people said. None of the findings were presented to the public or in court. About a dozen people at the firmworked on the report, including econometricians, who use statistics to model and predict outcomes, the people said.