
Sat, 11/02/2023 - 05:58
. If thou hast shown mercy unto man, o man, that same mercy shall be shown thee there; and if on an orphan thou hast shown compassion, that same shall there deliver thee from want. If in this life the naked thou hast clothed, the same shall give thee shelter there, and sing the psalm: […]
Sat, 11/02/2023 - 05:55
In undergrad, I decided to major in Advertising on a whim. I am now a faculty member at that same school. And I owe it all to two guys named David. When I originally came to OU, I had settled on pre-pharmacy as my field of study. In high school, I had a knack for […]
Sat, 11/02/2023 - 05:30
He hits them from the right … and the left Dark Brandon aimed his death ray at the congressional Republicans in front of the whole country this week and in the process seems to have banished all thoughts of a primary challenge should he decide to seek a second term. Unless something dramatic changes, it appears that the Democrats are not going to have a nomination fight on their hands. The Republicans, on the other hand, look to be gearing up for a knockdown, drag-out, bare-knuckled brawl — and the dynamics already taking shape are fascinating. It was always a good bet that Donald Trump would run again for no other reason than he is the sorest loser in world history and he simply cannot accept that he lost the last election. He didn’t expect to have any rivals, however, assuming that he would receive the nomination by acclamation and not really even have to campaign until the general election. He didn’t realize that his epic pout after the 2020 election would turn off so many GOP suburban voters and no doubt believed that he would be a kingmaker in the 2022 election, reaffirming his position as the only possible candidate.
Sat, 11/02/2023 - 05:00

Dear Employees,

We are pleased to officially roll out the company’s new health benefits. Supermarket Cake is an innovative insurance option that allows you to skip tedious, traditional healthcare procedures such as “seeing a doctor,” “making a lifestyle change,” and “surgery” to get straight to what makes you feel better: shoveling cheap grocery store cake into your cake hole.

Here’s how it works: Each month, a premium will be deducted from your paycheck, and, in exchange, your Supermarket Cake coverage will pay for 80 percent of your expenses every time you encounter a medical issue, so long as your expenses are limited to a $27.99 supermarket cake that you bought to comfort-eat while worrying about how you’ll afford to fix your medical issue.

Sat, 11/02/2023 - 04:58
As China grows and prospers many in the US want us to believe that China will follow the same path that the US itself pursued- global military aggression, the overthrow of numerous governments around the world and persecution of minorities at home. But the record so far suggests that China is different. As former US senior diplomat Chas Freeman Continue reading »
Sat, 11/02/2023 - 04:56
Australia’s Foreign Minister, who advocates international law and better relations with Asian countries, has surrendered to the hawks in Canberra. Penny Wong told Parliament on 9 February that the way Australia goes to war will not change. She was responding to a question from Greens Senator Jordon Steele-John, whose bill for reform of the war Continue reading »
Sat, 11/02/2023 - 04:55
Bipartisanship on the wrong issue – asylum-seeker policy; Chalmers’ essay – is it really just mainstream economics?; and, after 50 years, Medicare needs resuscitating. Read on for the weekly roundup of links to articles, reports, podcasts and other media on current political and economic issues in public policy. Australian politics More on the Voice, including Continue reading »
Sat, 11/02/2023 - 04:51
The vehemence with which the medical profession opposes any moves on behalf of nurses and other health professionals to move legitimately into Primary Health Care in their own right is telling. A system in which some professional groups spend an inordinate amount of time propping up the work of another is not to be abandoned Continue reading »
Sat, 11/02/2023 - 04:50
JK Rowling recently tweeted a defence of her bigotry, conflating trans people with, in her words, “violent, duplicitous rapists”.The massive, unsupported generalisation in this message stinks of the worst dehumanising propaganda, the kind which foments hatred, and leads to atrocities. When one part of the population has its bigotry activated, particularly to fear for the Continue reading »
Sat, 11/02/2023 - 04:49
There is no way that the UK or the US would ever contemplate surrendering sovereignty over the control of its military operations to any other power. Australia should not either. If Australia is to acquire a fleet of SSNs, the government needs to negotiate an agreement that avoids counter-productive short cuts and ensures sovereign control Continue reading »
Sat, 11/02/2023 - 04:24
What happens when capital (ownership, property accumulation, "growth") is favored over the other factors of production, labor (workers, people, welfare) and land (the environment, ecology).

Developing Economics 
Amartya Sen’s Work Shows Us the Human Cost of Capitalist Development
Benjamin Selwyn, professor of international relations and international development at the University of Sussex.


Tax Research UK
Anyone who seriously thinks GDP measures prove that the country is succeeding economically is seriously economically deluded


Sat, 11/02/2023 - 04:07

Após reportagem do Intercept sobre criança estuprada, defensorias emitem nota técnica ressaltando que nomeação esvazia direito ao aborto legal.

The post Menina do PI: 14 Defensorias Públicas afirmam que nomear defensor para feto ameaça direito ao aborto legal appeared first on The Intercept.