
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 05:54
The debt ceiling is being used a negotiating tool in American politics yet again. My concern with American politics is that most things seem to be over-dramatised, while some disturbing things are shoved under the carpet. The debt ceiling is a great source of hysterics from south of the border. My highly non-informed take is that this debt ceiling drama will end in the usual way, going to the 11th hour before some kind of deal is struck.

American politics is kabuki. Externally, the drama is veneer over the bipartisan money/power grab. Internally, the only matter in contention is how the loot is divided. Behind the scenes it runs on legalized corruption and burying the bodies.

However, there is some genuine drama going on now. Both parties are trying to destroy the other in a zero-sum game in which the winner takes all. 

Bond Economics
The Return Of The Debt Ceiling (Again)
Brian Romanchuk
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 05:30
Not bloody likely There was a time in American life when it was considered bad manners to talk about politics or religion at the dinner table. There were good reasons for that — those subjects tend to get people upset and angry and that’s always rough on digestion. But I doubt it was ever something that was practiced much because when people aren’t gossiping or talking about work, politics and religion are the most likely topics whether we like it or not. Still, I don’t think the merging of religion into partisan politics has ever been quite as thorough as it’s been in the past 40 years or so. Sure you can go back in history and see many examples of religious leaders being politically influential from Cotton Mather to Brigham Young to Martin Luther King Jr. And various religious movements have been deeply involved in social reforms forever.
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 05:00

Our new line of men’s grooming products is cutting edge, down-to-earth, and isn’t sold in colors not already present in a storm cloud—in short, it’s perfect for you: a big, strong man.

You know, guy’s guys. Outdoorsy types. Grill masters. Flannel wearers.

We make our products for the kind of guy who doesn’t chop his own firewood but is definitely interested in the idea. The kind of guy who doesn’t play a sport professionally but played a little in high school and enjoys bringing it up in conversation. The kind of guy who will, inevitably, decide to dive headfirst into the world of mixed martial arts with little to no preparation at some point in his life.

I’m talking about men. James Bond-types. Corporate rockstars. Old-timey pirates. Beer drinkers.

Sat, 21/01/2023 - 04:58
In Asian media this week: Developing world rejects nonsensical Cold War; Japan moves from ‘shield’ to ‘spear’; opinion against military build-up; court asked to review new penal code; vote-buying an investment in graft; and differing views of Xinjiang. The world is divided into three blocs as a new Cold War starts, says commentator Andrew Sheng. Continue reading »
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 04:57
We are at a crossroads. The Ultra High Net Worth Individual (UHNWI) class is creating a new international feudal order, assisted by the professional enabler class including politicians in pursuit of their money. One of those enabling mechanisms is the media. In Australia, News Corp serves as the strongest weapon in the creation of their Continue reading »
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 04:56
Pearls and Irritations needs your financial support to keep improving and growing. With the shortcomings of our mainstream media, the role of P&I is more and more important. In 2022 we had 5,377,189 ‘views’. In the last three years, views have increased by 237%. Subscriptions to the daily and weekly email have reached almost 23,000, Continue reading »
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 04:54
We’ve all had far too much George Pell lately, but his so-called “Memorandum” on Pope Francis’ papacy is about much more than the present papacy and needs to be confronted. There’s no doubt Pell is the author of the unprecedented diatribe which describes the Francis papacy as “a disaster” and “catastrophe”. He sent the Memorandum Continue reading »
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 04:51
As geopolitical winds tilt China and Saudi Arabia towards greater interdependence, Hong Kong could play a critical role in unlocking both countries’ strategic objectives. John Lee must position Hong Kong to deliver unique value in the emerging petro-yuan market in a way that complements Riyadh’s development as a trading centre for renminbi securities. A covert Continue reading »
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 04:50
In a new article titled “U.S. Warms to Helping Ukraine Target Crimea,” the New York Times reports that the Biden administration now believes Kyiv may need to launch an offensive on the territory that Moscow has considered a part of the Russian Federation since 2014, “even if such a move increases the risk of escalation.” Continue reading »
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 04:38

Kit Klarenberg reveals how a secret British intelligence network fed top journalists misinformation about the Cambridge Analytica scandal, distorting perceptions, triggering public anger and amping up tensions with Russia.

The post How British Intelligence Sabotaged Cambridge Analytica Scandal appeared first on MintPress News.

Sat, 21/01/2023 - 04:20
The president of Utica University, Laura Casamento, at the prompting of Utica’s Board of Trustees, has recommended that the university no longer offer students the opportunity to major in philosophy. A petition has been launched to protest the proposed elimination of the philosophy major. Utica Philosophy Professor Douglas Edwards writes in with the following information: On Wednesday January 18th, 2023, the President of Utica University, Laura Casamento, and the Chair of the Board of Trustees, Robert Brvenik recommended the elimination of 15 majors, including Philosophy, and also demanded that 8 other programs needed to make significant changes or face elimination. The process for cutting programs began back in September 2022 when the Board of Trustees of the University charged the University with conducting an Academic Portfolio Review, due to what they called “an unsustainable faculty-to-student ratio”, which asked for recommendations for program deletion. Whilst this was claimed to be for the purpose of cutting costs, no information has been given on how any of the proposed cuts will save the University any money.
Sat, 21/01/2023 - 04:00
Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis has rejected a College Board request to approve an African-American Studies course in his state on the grounds that the course violates state law, according to a report. The Advanced Placement (AP) program, of which a pilot has been launched, was reportedly rejected by DeSantis’ administration in a letter to the College Board from the Florida Department of Education’s Office of Articulation. The rejection letter dated Jan. 12 said “as presented, the content of this course is inexplicably contrary to Florida law and significantly lacks educational value,” according to National Review. We can be sure that if they come back with a curriculum that features nothing but screenings of “Gone With the Wind”, and that one clip of Martin Luther King saying “content of their character” it might be approved. Maybe.