
Tue, 14/03/2023 - 06:00

In their efforts to industrialise, African states are looking beyond the traditional path of transition from agrarian to industrial economies by seeking to leverage on their natural resources, both in/on land and ocean, to power industrialisation. In this blog post, drawing from a new article in Journal of Agrarian Change, that agrarian political economy theories of industrialisation need to be advanced to cover the ocean and offshore petroleum production in Ghana.

The post Beyond Agrarian Transitions in Africa appeared first on Progress in Political Economy (PPE).

Tue, 14/03/2023 - 06:00
It’s happening A man is suing a woman’s friends for helping her obtain abortion pills: A Texas man is suing three women under the wrongful death statute, alleging that they assisted his ex-wife in terminating her pregnancy, the first such case brought since the state’s near-total ban on abortion last summer. Marcus Silva is represented by Jonathan Mitchell, the former Texas solicitor general and architect of the state’s prohibition on abortions after about six weeks of pregnancy, and state Rep. Briscoe Cain, R-Deer Park. The lawsuit is filed in state court in Galveston County, where Silva lives. Silva alleges that his now ex-wife learned she was pregnant in July 2022, the month after the overturn of Roe v. Wade, and conspired with two friends to illegally obtain abortion-inducing medication and terminate the pregnancy. The friends texted with the woman, sending her information about Aid Access, an international group that provides abortion-inducing medication through the mail, the lawsuit alleges. Text messages filed as part of the complaint seem to show they instead found a way to acquire the medication in Houston, where the two women lived.
Tue, 14/03/2023 - 04:58
With the re-opening of China and with the ending of Covid restrictions, a new confidence seems to be surging through the country. While the next two years are seen to be a particularly dangerous time, with the real prospect of armed conflict with the US, beyond that it is felt that China’s time will have Continue reading »
Tue, 14/03/2023 - 04:30
More bans! As the poster writes: “any major or minor that… utilizes pedagogical methodology associated with Critical Theory” This would theoretically include: — Gender and African-American and other “studies” disciplines — Literature — Sociology — History — Anthropolgy — Political science And other majors. The comments are interesting. Most of them are in favor and excuse the authoritarian overreach by saying that it’s all fine because it doesn’t ban private colleges from doing it. Others point out that professors would still be allowed to apply this sort of critical analysis in their teaching but the colleges could not offer majors in anything that uses it. (I don’t think that solves the problem.) Mostly, though people on that twitter thread really seem to love this solution because: CRT, etc., are founded on logical fallacies, the post hoc ergo propter hoc fallacy in particular, and taxpayers ought not be compelled to pay for teaching of ways of thinking that can only lead kids astray. Lol.
Tue, 14/03/2023 - 04:18
The U.S. Treasury, Federal Reserve, and Federal Deposit Insurance Corp banded together to create the Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP — the bureaucrats are going for the laughs with the acronyms at this point), which gives 1-year financing to eligible banks against Treasury/mortgage-backed security collateral at par. They also announced that uninsured depositors at two failed banks (the known failure Silicon Valley Bank, as well as the newly-shuttered Signature bank) will be made whole.

At the time of writing, I have not seen any announced results for the auction of Silicon Valley Bank’s assets (or entire balance). This lending facility seems to be the replacement.
Tue, 14/03/2023 - 04:15
Cooking time: few mins. to soften gelatin.Preparation time: few mins.Main cooking utensils: bowl, saucepan For 4 servings you will need:1 envelope unflavored gelatin1½ cups strong hot black coffeeSugar substitute to taste½ cup milk TO SERVE: Turn out and serve with yogurt if wished. TO VARY: An even lower calorie sweet can be made by using […]
Tue, 14/03/2023 - 04:01

March 13, 2023 The Caring Subversion of Nel Noddings: An Appreciation By Alfie Kohn My undergraduate mentor had a life-changing impact, both as a teacher and a human being, on innumerable students he taught over the course of nearly three decades.1 So on his 95th birthday about a hundred of us took a full day to tell him so. We ... Read More

The post The Caring Subversion of Nel Noddings: An Appreciation appeared first on Alfie Kohn.

Tue, 14/03/2023 - 04:00

First Circle: Limbo

Midway on our journey in life, we find ourselves in a dark kitchen, surrounded by oak cabinets and laminate flooring, our savings account wholly lost. Welcome to reno limbo, a place where nothing happens, as the good crews are booked for several centuries. In this circle, pagans shout “DIY! DIY!” toiling back and forth to Home Depot, lost in the labyrinth, unable to find help or penny tile. They refuse to accept the biddings of Jesus, a master carpenter from Piscataway. Above the gates, a sign reads, ABANDON YOUR HOME, YE WHO CAN AFFORD IT.

Tue, 14/03/2023 - 03:30
Probably not It was reported on Friday that Donald Trump’s former lawyer, Michael Cohen, will be testifying before a grand jury today. This is widely considered to be leading to a probable indictment of Trump in the Stormy Daniels hush money case after the Manhattan DA, Alvin Bragg, invited the former president to testify last week. Apparently, prosecutors routinely give that option to targets they are about to charge with a crime. You’ll recall that the case pertains to the hush money scheme cooked by Trump and the National Inquirer back in 2016 to pay off women who slept with Donald Trump. The Daniels case ended up being a criminal investigation when it was revealed that Cohen bought her story through a shell company and was later reimbursed by Trump personally. Cohen went to jail for his part in this and his indictment left no doubt that he was doing the bidding of Trump who was nonetheless not charged. It appears that Bragg may have decided to rectify that. Meanwhile, the case in Georgia seems to be getting close to some kind of conclusion. The New York Attorney General’s civil case against Trump and the Trump Org. is still in play. And the E.
Tue, 14/03/2023 - 02:44

A model that captures key vulnerabilities and structural weaknesses of developing countries' trade and production structures.

Our new INET working paper began as a background study for UNCTAD’s Trade and Development Report 2022. Since then, the world has evolved, but this essay has the same purpose as the original: To assess from the perspective of the Balance of Payments Constrained Growth (BPCG) model, the key current challenges to developing countries that spring from two broad types of factors they cannot control. These are, first, global shocks that affect the world economy at large and, second, major macro or trade policy changes in developed countries. The BPCG perspective helps to identify to what extent these challenges are rooted in or conditioned by the developing countries' financial vulnerabilities and structural weaknesses linked to their roles in international trade and capital markets.

Tue, 14/03/2023 - 02:03
Consequences Of Silicon Valley Bank’s Failure

The best explanation for why SVB failed I’ve read is here.

The bottom line is that as interest rates rose after they’d been low for a long time bonds, including Treasuries, lost value putting strain on balance sheets, and if a bank didn’t handle it right by making the correct bets, they could get slaughtered. Even so SVB might well have survived in a pre-internet banking era and/or if it didn’t have so few depositors, with so many of them depositing so much.

As at the end of 2022, it had 37,466 deposit customers, each holding in excess of $250,000 per account. Great for referrals when business is booming, such concentration can magnify a feedback loop when conditions reverse.

Tue, 14/03/2023 - 01:31

When the likes of Kissinger are accused of being compromisers, we can be certain that the political discourse on the war has reached a degree of extremism unprecedented in decades.

The post Even Kissinger Wants Compromise: How Ukraine Became a Winner-Take-All Proposition appeared first on MintPress News.