The first-of-its-kind lawsuit seeks to affirm that doctors can use their best medical judgment without fear of criminal penalty.
The post “Sick and Twisted”: Women Sue Texas Over Harrowing Medical Episodes Caused by Abortion Bans appeared first on The Intercept.
De passagem pelo Brasil, ex-presidente uruguaio defende cooperação no bloco, sem urgência de moeda única, mas com iniciativas que priorizem 'coisas simples'.
The post Entrevista: ‘Sozinhos não somos nada’, diz Pepe Mujica sobre união entre países da América Latina appeared first on The Intercept.
Mais 430 mil CACs adquiriram armas e munições nos últimos 12 meses, revelam dados dos institutos Sou da Paz e Igarapé.
The post Número de armas entre civis cresceu no Brasil no último ano de Bolsonaro – ação dificulta Lei Maria da Penha appeared first on The Intercept.
Based on current celebrity beauty standards, the goals are clear: you need to look like you’re in your twenties until you’re thirty-five, then look thirty-five until you’re dead. Also, regardless of age or retirement eligibility, all women should have supple, lineless skin with no evidence of sunspots, muscle movement, or laughter. The only indication that you’ve been on Earth long enough to outlive a household pet should be the look in your eyes, which peer wearily out of your flawless, youthful face like a haunted doll.
To get specific about various body parts: boobs, obviously, should be perpetually high and firm, lips full and plump, and your hair long and flowing with the aid of extensions, even as you enter an assisted living facility, where it will invariably get tangled with your breathing equipment and other life-prolonging devices, which would be annoying if you were not so successfully clutching to the hallmarks of youth with steadfast determination.
“It should not melt in yo’ mouth” And Bootycandy, at the Gate Theatre, London, certainly does not. Just when it seems the flavour of this play will settle into something recognisable and palatable, then some new wig, or trapdoor, or officiant in a rubber suit and gimp mask starts a non-commitment ceremony, and we choke […]