“…It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena…” — Teddy Roosevelt from his speech, Citizenship in a Republic
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This has to stop.
I’ve let my “man in the arena” quote be twisted for over a hundred years and said nothing. Not when it became a Cadillac commercial, or the name of a Tom Brady documentary, or even a reference in Nixon’s resignation speech.
But you have pushed me too far. I did not make that speech at the Sorbonne so that a mid-tier YouTuber could address his history of bigoted comments with, “Sometimes when you’re the guy in the arena, shit happens, ya feel?”
Well, I don’t feel, Spencer. I don’t.
I had a lot of ideas. Big ideas. About nature and morality and democracy and monopoly. Maybe you agree with them, maybe you don’t, but I’ll be damned if my legacy is going to boil down to shitty men’s go-to “sorry-not-sorry” quote.