
Mon, 28/06/2021 - 06:44

There's been three official Doctor Who plays - 'The Curse of the Daleks' (without the Doctor but with Daleks), 'Doctor Who and the Daleks in Seven Keys to Doomsday' (with both the Doctor and the Daleks) and 'Doctor Who - The Ultimate Adventure' (again with both the Doctor and the Daleks but also with the Cybermen and Margaret Thatcher!).

None of the them set the West End alight and were suspiciously absent at their year's respective Olivier Awards... but Doctor Who fans have a bit of a soft spot for them. 

Sat, 19/06/2021 - 01:48
Research Associate Lekha Chakraborty, recently chosen to join the governing council of the International Institute for Public Finance, was interviewed for an Onmanorama podcast on the question of gender budgeting and the advantages of centering care work. Chakraborty argues policymakers in India should prioritize integrating a comprehensive care economy policy package in macroeconomic management, and […]
Sat, 12/06/2021 - 21:15
'The Avengers' movie released in 1998 has to be one of the biggest disappointments ever in the history of movies... at least for me. I was genuinely looking forward to it having missed out on the opportunity to visit the set the year before. A stuntman friend of mine was doing some work on the film and needed some help with his gear.
Fri, 11/06/2021 - 00:03
It’s been a while since I’ve posted anything on here. Sorry about that. Or maybe it’s a good thing. Opinions may vary. Anyhow, I have managed to publish a couple of new books since my last post. Quite how this happened, I don’t know. In January, my new collection ‘Alexa, what is there to know…
Thu, 10/06/2021 - 17:32
I wrote this tweet because I thought that it would be really interesting for students to ask that question. They would find out what it is that determines the price of a government bond. Little did I know that many people would be interested in my view of the issue. So, by popular request, here […]
Wed, 09/06/2021 - 18:57
I have been re-reading the Functional Finance and the Federal Debt paper this afternoon. There are crucial differences between Functional Finance Theory (FFT) and Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). Therefore, it (MMT) was not all in Lerner. Let me comment on FTT from an MMT perspective. source: The start of the paper is very promising: […]
Thu, 03/06/2021 - 15:41
Big Finish have opened the annual Paul Spragg Memorial Short Trips writing competition. Now in its sixth year, the competition honours the memory of Paul Spragg, a much-loved member of the Big Finish production office who passed away suddenly on 8 May 2014. Past winners include Forever Fallen by Joshua Wanisko, Landbound by Selim Ulug, The Last Day at Work by Harry Draper, The Best Laid Plans by Ben Tedds, and Free Speech by Eugenie Pusenjak. The competition is seeking new writers to create a Doctor Who short story to be released as an audiobook for Christmas 2021. Entries close… Continue reading
Thu, 03/06/2021 - 15:31
The May 2021 Torchwood release from Big Finish was all set to reunite John Barrowman’s Captain Jack Harkness with David Tennant’s Tenth Doctor in a story many fans have been eagerly anticipating – Torchwood: Absent Friends. Instead, a statement was released in the news update from the company stating: “Big Finish has taken the decision to remove Torchwood: Absent Friends from the Monthly Range release schedule and has no plans to publish this title at this time.” An alternative title was offered in its place and refunds were provided for those who had purchased the item on pre-order. No explanation… Continue reading