Over the festive period the government launched its ‘30 second’ media campaign in response to the cost of living crisis, which shows how many energy saving actions you can perform in the duration of a short advert. Footage shows people closing curtains, switching lights off, changing bulbs and turning down the flow temperature on their […]
Jim Chanos, the president and founder of Kynikos Associates and well-known investment manager talks to Rob about the post-pandemic financial system, which has become more steeped in a casino culture than it has been in a very long time, and whether China's financial situation serves as an example or as a warning.
Even in a multipolar world, the U.S. dollar remains the world’s reserve currency. How did this come to be and why does it matter? Perry Mehrling, Professor of International Political Economy at Boston University and author of Money and Empire: Charles P. Kindleberger and the Dollar System, approaches the story of global money through the life and career of one of the 20th century’s most influential economists.
by Orsolya Lelkes
From a historical perspective, we should be living in the happiest of all worlds. Ours is a culture ostensibly centered around happiness: The mainstream neoclassical economic system aims to maximize pleasure (utility) for all, and is based on the assumption that we humans seek the greatest pleasure and the least pain, and that this quest is the main driver of our actions.
Happiness has also been a philosophical,
The post Happiness Matters, Even in a Steady State Economy! Part 1: Sustainable Hedonism appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.
Ibama já havia multado produtores indígenas um ano antes, mas tanto eles quanto os chefes das pastas descumpriram a legislação ambiental.
The post Ministros de Bolsonaro participaram de colheita ilegal de soja em área indígena interditada por desmatamento appeared first on The Intercept.
Discover the fascinating story of two vastly different activists united by a common goal in Lee Camp's thought-provoking interview on ending Israel's occupation of Palestine.
The post Activists from Different Worlds: Meet Two Prominent Peace Advocates Working to End Israel’s Occupation of Palestine appeared first on MintPress News.
Discover the truth about US foreign policy and the impact of propaganda on mainstream media with journalist Rania Khalek, as she challenges simplified narratives and advocates for critical reporting in this thought-provoking interview.
The post From Latin America to Nord Stream: Rania Khalek Challenges US Foreign Policy and Mainstream Media Narratives appeared first on MintPress News.