
Sun, 19/07/2020 - 23:10
And while we’re on the subject of toys and childhoods, here’s a shameless plug for my new feature documentary BATMAN AND ME. The movie presents the experience of Batman collector Darren Maxwell, who begins his hobby in 1989 and winds up addicted to buying Batman merchandise. It’s currently streaming as a part of the Melbourne […]
Tue, 14/07/2020 - 23:38
Modern Monetary Theory or MMT has crept in from the academic margins to become an influential doctrine in progressive policy circles in the United States. Both Elizabeth Warren and Bernie Sanders drew on the ideas of MMT to shape their ambitious public spending platforms. MMT has been cited as one way to fund a Green New Deal, in combination with [...]
Fri, 10/07/2020 - 16:37
Why do those people who agitate for a fixed exchange rate between currencies also advocate for a floating rate between government bonds and the currency? If a move between bonds and currency needs to be discouraged by a floating rate, then why doesn’t a move between a local currency and a foreign currency need to be discouraged by a floating rate? If the Euro is such a great idea across such a wide area, why aren’t Eurozone government bonds payable at par on demand at any bank in the Eurozone?
Thu, 09/07/2020 - 21:30

[ This blog post was cross-posted from the blog at Software Freedom Conservancy where I work. ]

I've been concerned this week about aggressive negative reaction (by some) to the formation of an additional organization to serve the Free and Open Source (FOSS) community. Thus it seems like a good moment to remind everyone why we all benefit when we welcome newcomer organizations in FOSS.

Tue, 07/07/2020 - 11:05
Changed situations for learning

The epidemic, and the lockdown responses to it, have shifted the ground for great numbers of students. School closures meant a vast number of families suddenly had to do home-schooling and distance education. University closures have driven students online, even more than they were before. With social distancing, peer groups have been disbanded and many of the opportunities for informal learning have gone.
Thu, 02/07/2020 - 09:52
No matter where you are in Australia or how you are impacted by COVID-19, this weekend you can come together with fellow fans in a two day watch-along marathon, organised by past DWCA president Dallas Jones! Full details of the epic two day event are included below. THE 4TH & 5TH AUSTRALIAN DOCTOR WHO WATCH-ALONGS 4TH — “DALEK” & “THE LONG GAME” ON SATURDAY JULY 4TH 5TH — “TERROR OF THE ZYGONS” ON SATURDAY JULY 11TH HOW THEY WILL WORK For Dalek and The Long Game we understand that you have the option to watch it streaming on either Stan… Continue reading
Mon, 29/06/2020 - 05:27
The Great Recession started in 2008 and everyone suffered– the Internet Archive hired 146 out-of-work parents, leveraging an Obama stimulus welfare-to-work program to scan books  for the visually impaired.   I had employees polled as to how they were doing financially, … Continue reading
Tue, 23/06/2020 - 16:25
If you’ve been looking on enviously at the overseas watchalong events taking place during the COVID-19 Lockdown but have been unable to take part due to the crazy impossible time difference between the UK and Australia, then here’s something for you! Past DWCA President Dallas Jones is following up on his two successful Australian watchalongs with a third event on Saturday 27 June – and this time he has chosen one of the true greats of classic Who, the epic, gothic and totally cool (pun intended) Tomb of the Cybermen. Check out the details below to take part. Continue reading
Mon, 22/06/2020 - 12:20

In a recent conversation with a non-Australian it struck me that people don’t know what a Ute is. It is a small utility truck. Basically a car with the back end replaced by a tray. They are incredibly useful and much loved in Outback Australia.

There is a house …

Mon, 22/06/2020 - 07:45
I recently participated in a panel discussion in David Hulchanski’s graduate-level social housing and homelessness course at the University of Toronto. Points raised in the blog post include the fact that all English-speaking countries of the OECD have relatively low levels of public social spending, relatively low levels of taxation, and serious affordable housing challenges. The link to the full [...]
Sun, 21/06/2020 - 13:03
One of the more extraordinary things to come from Doctor Who fandom during the time of COVID-19 was the creation of a variety of new videos, written and performed by the official stars and creators of Doctor Who. These videos were released on YouTube, timed to coincide with the Lockdown shared watching events of various classic episodes. The project was founded by Emily Cook from Doctor Who Magazine, proposing the idea that fans simulcast watch-alongs of classic stories. What started as supporting the watch-alongs with live tweeting, interviews and other online material, quickly developed into a series of funny, beautiful,… Continue reading