My Favorite Pair of Granny Panties: Vacation is all about being comfortable, and nothing says comfort like my 100 percent cotton, salmon-pink granny panties.
A Thong: But vacation is also about being sexy and adventurous. I’ll wear these under my leggings or—ooh!—a silk skirt (which I don’t own, but maybe there’s a vacation version of myself that goes out and buys one).
Another Pair of Granny Panties: For day two.
Another Pair of Granny Panties: For day three (if I’m not feeling sexy and don’t end up wearing the thong).
A Backup Pair of Granny Panties: I might need to change midday if I have more discharge than usual.
A Pair of Period Granny Panties: Even though I got my period last week, and it’s been pretty regular since I started my new birth control, you can never be too prepared!