
Sat, 02/11/2024 - 04:51
Leading international relations scholar Wang Jisi from Peking University, who just met Kurt Campbell, urges Beijing not to make new enemies, focus on domestic affairs, & maintain confidence in peaceful reunification. The Institute of International and Strategic Studies (IISS), Peking University, reported on October 25 that Wang Jisi, its Founding President and a PKU professor, visited the U.S. Continue reading »
Sat, 02/11/2024 - 04:50
A United Nations report, published on Monday, lays out in chilling detail the advances made by Israel in Gaza as it seeks to eradicate “the very existence of the Palestinian people in Palestine.” This genocidal project, the report ominously warns, “is now metastasizing to the West Bank, including East Jerusalem.” The Nakba or “catastrophe,” which Continue reading »
Sat, 02/11/2024 - 04:30
The bros are getting hysterical: Two of former president Donald Trump’s most prominent backers in the right wing influencer sphere fretted Wednesday after early voting numbers showed massive early turnout among women that could imperil their candidate’s path to victory. “Male turnout in Pennsylvania for Trump has been a disaster,” tweeted Mike Cernovich on Wednesday. “Unless this changes, Kamala Harris takes PA and it’s over.” Cernovich is a longtime far right gadfly and commentator with a massive online following He’s been around long enough to have played a role in the anti-feminist Gamergate harassment campaign and to have helped spread the Pizzagate conspiracy theory, though has disavowed the alt-right and drifted closer to the mainstream conservative movement in recent years. (Trump’s eldest child, Donald Jr., once said he deserved a Pulitzer Prize).
Sat, 02/11/2024 - 04:00
In the spring, I’ll be teaching the second semester of our philosophy grad program’s first-year seminar. This is the seminar all PhD students in the philosophy department take together as a cohort during their first year in the program. The fall semester of the seminar typically leans towards the metaphysics and epistemology side of philosophy, […]
Sat, 02/11/2024 - 04:00

Thank you for your email. This is an automated response to let you know that I will be away from my desk on Wednesday, November 6.

As you may be aware, the presidential election in the United States could be decided by the evening of November 5, and I will be up all night either panicking or celebrating, depending on which way it goes.

Or the election will not be decided by the evening of November 5, and I will be up all night panicking.

If the election is decided by the morning of November 6, I will not be at my desk, because I will be curled up on the floor weeping. I am not sure whether my tears will be tears of joy or tears of terror, but they are almost guaranteed to flow, and therefore, I will not be at my desk. Maybe I will be under my desk, but I definitely won’t be at it.

Sat, 02/11/2024 - 03:00
No matter who gets the most votes A couple of weeks ago the gang down in Mar-a-lago was popping the champagne and gleefully drawing up plans to further destroy the White House gardens once the Trump’s are in residence again. They were looking at the early voting in the swing states and they figured they had it in the bag. According to Puck’s Tara Palmieri: It hit Trump in the last couple of weeks that early voting is a good way to win,” a person with knowledge of his thinking said. The campaign has been papering Pennsylvania with signs like, “Swamp them with votes,” “Make it too big to rig,” and “Vote early today!”  They’ve actually been strutting around for a while, but that’s to be expected. Republicans always go with the bandwagon effect, and no one is more natural at it than Trump who just last night told an audience in Arizona, “if Ronald Reagan came back from the dead at the height of Ronald Reagan, if he went to California to have a rally, he would 250–300 people in a ballroom.
Sat, 02/11/2024 - 00:00

Our friends at 270 Reasons are gathering a polyphonic orchestra of brilliant writers, teachers, doctors, filmmakers, artists, and citizens of all kinds to weigh in about their plans to vote this November. These opinion essays run the gamut from advocacy for basic human rights to acutely personal mini-manifestoes. Read the rest over at 270 Reasons.

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Because on January 6, I Was More Afraid Working at the Capitol
Than During My Entire Army Deployment to Iraq

Before I begin, I need to acknowledge the sacrifices that five officers on January 6 made on that day.

It is with honor, and a heavy heart, that I come before you to tell you my story, from painful, firsthand experience, of what happened that terrible day at the Capitol.

Fri, 01/11/2024 - 23:00

“Former President Trump is sowing doubt about the election results in Pennsylvania less than one week before Election Day, making explosive and misleading claims about fraud.” — The Hill

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This election [WILL BE / IS / WAS] rigged! They have illegally stolen this election from me by using [MAIL-IN BALLOTS / EARLY VOTING / DOMINION MACHINES / THE BASIC MATHEMATIC PRINCIPLE OF COUNTING VOTES].

Fri, 01/11/2024 - 22:29

The backdrop to Rachel Reeves’ budget yesterday is a country riven by vast and growing inequality, rising poverty and falling incomes for most. According to a recent report by Oxfam, the top 1 percent in Britain has more wealth than 70 percent of the population combined. Just 50 families have more wealth than the bottom 50 percent of the […]

Fri, 01/11/2024 - 21:36
Sex av åtta riksdagspartier har nyss ställt sig bakom ett nytt stramt finanspolitiskt ramverk. Osagt i diskussionerna kring ramverket är en bakomliggande föreställning att staten fungerar som ett hushåll eller ett företag: Att det är osunt och riskabelt för staten att ”leva över sina tillgångar” och att dra på sig stora skulder. Att ”den som är […]