
Tue, 01/10/2024 - 04:55
It must be so disappointing to be in the left faction of the Australian Labor Party. First, its guy, the Prime Minister Anthony Albanese, is not being very left of anything. Second, a progressive agenda seems to have popped off the list of anything important. Third (wimps), members of the left faction aren’t criticising their Continue reading »
Tue, 01/10/2024 - 04:54
One should never feel sympathy for a politician caught in a rule-in rule-out game. Perhaps the period should be after the eighth word, but there is something spectacularly dumb about foreclosing on policy options even when they are not under active contemplation, narrowing the range of debate and allowing its terms to be set by Continue reading »
Tue, 01/10/2024 - 04:52
The parlous physical and mental health of David McBride and disturbing revelations about conditions at the Alexander Maconochie Centre prison in Canberra are a national disgrace. Yet the only media outlet to cover this story is the free Canberra newspaper, City News. When I asked two editors of national newspapers why they won’t investigate McBride’s Continue reading »
Tue, 01/10/2024 - 03:00

We are thrilled to announce that Google Translate has recently added “Deanspeak” to its suite of language-detection tools. In addition to offering translations from Spanish, Arabic, Chinese, and other languages, Google Translate can now render your college administrator’s opaque prose into plain (if terrifying) English.

Now, rather than attempt to read between the lines of the latest email from the Subdean for Academic Affairs and Climbing Wall Management, simply click on the ADMINISTRATOR LANGUAGE DETECTED icon to reveal the message in simple English and determine the threat level to your department, program, or mental health.

Tue, 01/10/2024 - 00:58
In the potential outcomes approach to causality, sex and race are often not considered causes since they do not fit within this counterfactual manipulation/intervention framework of causal inference. Sex and race cannot be directly manipulated or intervened on, which is said to make it difficult to conceptualize what the ‘potential outcomes’ would be for individuals […]
Tue, 01/10/2024 - 00:00

In Moving the Bones, Rick Barot’s newest, the project is both catastrophe and praise. But it begins, paradoxically, in “Pleasure,” in a vision of paradise and meditation: “My mind has a slow metabolism, it is slow / to understand what anything means, / but it understands that if you look at something / long enough, it will have something / to say to you.” The collection is the work of a consummate artist at the height of his powers. And so its sensibility encompasses the range from beauty to suffering to queer memory—“Like the boy with a flower behind his ear who’s been interrupted / in his pleasure”—to the disastrous politics of our times. “He saw the tents people lived in / by the park get torched, and I could smell / on him what he had seen.” What he had seen: the book registers anew the vividness and radiant ethics possible in an act of description. The seeing is what begins any remaking, Rick Barot reminds us, and part of the seeing is part of the grieving.

Mon, 30/09/2024 - 22:00

Listen, son, when I was your age, I thought I knew everything, and it looks like we have that in common. You think you know what this is all about? You think you understand what it means to be married to someone for over forty years?

I’ve been married since 1977, and let me tell you, it’s been a nonstop fuckfest ever since.

You think marriage is all picket fences and tomato gardens? Well, guess what, when you’re in a monogamous relationship, the erotic pressure doesn’t quit. It builds and builds for decades to the point you think it will break you. You glance in the mirror and don’t recognize yourself, the way lust has warped your features.

Look across the table, and you see the woman you love. She, too, has been disfigured by this carnal addiction you share. You make eye contact as her foot brushes your leg.

Looks like another dinner will be eaten cold.

Oh sure, you’re thinking, Doesn’t having kids slow you down? Yeah, right. Stuck at home with each other 24-7, plus you have to sneak around to make love? Your mother is into that kind of thing. I’ve had to hide from that woman. She is insatiable.