
Fri, 12/07/2024 - 04:52
A robust, well-functioning media ecosystem across the Pacific is an essential pillar of democracy and vital to good governance. If Australia is genuine about partnering with the region, it must advocate for the role of public interest media and why citizens should demand and support it. The media plays a crucial role in the Pacific Continue reading »
Fri, 12/07/2024 - 04:50
The Australian Labor Party’s solidarity pledge is being widely sledged in the wake of Western Australian Senator Fatima Payman’s resignation from caucus. But it’s worth stepping back and reconsidering this core element of Labor’s culture and history against contemporary culture and practices. 1. Pledge-style solidarity is not old hat Critics shouldn’t be so fast to dismiss the Continue reading »
Fri, 12/07/2024 - 03:00

It turns out that building a humongous casino in a small city next to a mid-sized river, nowhere near a big city, the ocean, the desert, or good weather, excludes you from the “destination” designation. This means not many people want to come to lose their money in your oversized sucker palace.

Clearly, we were overly optimistic with our revenue projections. While we averaged twenty-two bajillion dollars per month, we just couldn’t move the needle to our target of thirty-two wadzillion per month. The forty-two flabillion we’ve extracted from this community in five years (even with a pandemic) just isn’t satisfying our stockholders. They’re complaining that they’re not making enough in stock buybacks to purchase a second yacht, private jet, or Supreme Court justice.

It looks like even though we told everyone there’d be three thousand jobs for the locals, we’ve only managed to hire less than half that amount. Who knew blackjack dealers wanted decently funded schools for their kids?

Fri, 12/07/2024 - 02:48

To prepare infrastructure for providing automatic updates for Drupal and upgrading itself, we are removing support for Composer 1 on

  • New packages & releases will not be available for Composer 1 after August 12, 2024.
  • Composer 1 support will be dropped after October 1, 2024.

Preparing your site for Composer 2 is documentation for updating Drupal site codebases with Composer 2.

Deprecating support for Composer 1.x is’s announcement.

Fri, 12/07/2024 - 00:38
by Alix Underwood

Though it’s easy to lose sight of, with our language and culture and smartphones, Homo sapiens is an animal species that exists within natural ecosystems. All our activities, including our economic activities, take place within and depend upon these ecosystems. This is the starting point for the trophic theory of money (TTOM).

“Trophic” refers to the flow of nutrition and energy. In the economy of nature,

The post Rooted in the Earth: The Economy Needs Agriculture appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.

Thu, 11/07/2024 - 23:02

Former president Donald Trump often finds himself on the defensive against accusations of racism. He regularly denies the charges, distorting his record and resorting to his “Black friends” defense, while attempting to throw the allegations back at liberals. However, he never explains why he is the favorite son of the one group in society about whose racial bigotry there can be no debate: avowed racists. Since Trump emerged as a public political figure, they have been resolute in their loyalty to him. Are Trump’s African American allies like Senator Tim Scott or Representative Byron Donalds, or Latino ones like Senator Marco Rubio, truly ignorant of his unapologetically racist champions? Or is their blind ambition to share a ticket with him... Read more

Source: Who Thinks Donald Trump Is Racist? appeared first on

Thu, 11/07/2024 - 23:00
And when? Several stories appeared yesterday about where and when Joe Biden’s war chest would go should he drop out of the presidential race as the slavering press hopes. Days ago, The Wall Street Journal alleged that Biden could not transfer the entirety of the nearly $100 million to Kamala Harris until after he is his party’s official nominee. The DNC still plans to hold a virtual roll call vote for that purpose sometime between July 21 and August 7. The move was originally planned to work around a rule in Ohio (since rescinded) that required a party’s candidate there to be formalized before August 7. The New York Times seems to confirm the WSJ report that were Biden “to be officially nominated” Harris might receive the funds seamlessly since her name is already on the ticket. The Times and Forbes also run down options for where else the money might go. But there is a lot of gray area, reports USA Today.
Thu, 11/07/2024 - 22:00

Independents once lived only in prairies and deserts in the United States. Today, they thrive almost anywhere there are ranches, farms, or ultimate Frisbee courses. Sometimes, they even live among people. It may seem charming when you spot one sitting on the fence, but don’t forget that Independents can siphon off your electoral resources, without which you could get run-offs, ultimately leading to devastating soul erosion.

Although their territory now extends all the way from Rhode Island to Burning Man, Independents tend to be elusive. You might catch a glimpse of one lurking around the shadowy edges of a party, but almost nothing entices them, making them difficult to capture. They don’t like big movements. However, experts say it’s crucial to try—in the least invasive way possible—to register them, no matter how much they prefer not to be put in a box. The preservation of their homeland just may depend on it.

Thu, 11/07/2024 - 20:10
The US, always a questionable friend, could, if Trump wins, become our greatest threat. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian  4th July 2024 Soon after Labour forms a government, it will find itself in a new world. It now seems likely that Donald Trump will win the presidency of the United States. If he […]