
Mon, 06/05/2024 - 23:00
Good luck with that My post on Sunday referenced Ross Douthat’s flop-sweaty warning that President Biden should stop campaigning as if he is ahead. But credit the Washington Post Editorial Board’s warning, at least to Democrats in Congress, that while hoping for the best they should plan for the worst. “Though the emergency powers that the Insurrection Act confers are inherently susceptible to abuse, presidents’ respect for democratic values and constitutional norms has by and large prevented that,” the Board begins. There’s still time to make some tweaks to the Act before January 2025. Golly jeepers, who might they be referencing between the lines? Just so we’re clear: Having gone unused since 1992, the Insurrection Act is perhaps obscure to the public today. It deserves more attention, given that there could be a second term for former president Donald Trump, who not only lacks respect for democratic norms but also actively encouraged a mob to descend on the Capitol on Jan. 6, 2021.
Mon, 06/05/2024 - 22:51

It's been nearly one month since Israel bombed Iran's embassy in Syria and since Iran's retaliatory strikes against Israel. The dust may have settled but was this all for show? Dr. Mohammad Marandi joins Mnar Adley to discuss the aftermath of these attacks and what it means for Iran and the future of the region.

The post The Dust Has Settled: The Aftermath Of Iran’s Retaliatory Strikes On Israel appeared first on MintPress News.

Mon, 06/05/2024 - 22:45
Why Technocratic Elites Aren’t Trusted (Sam Altman Edition)

So, Sam Altman recently said something which seems reasonable, but isn’t:

using technology to create abundance–intelligence, energy, longevity, whatever–will not solve all problems and will not magically make everyone happy. but it is an unequivocally great thing to do, and expands our option space. to me, it feels like a moral imperative...

most surprising takeaway from recent college visits: this is a surprisingly controversial opinion with certain demographics.

(lack of capitalization from original.)

Mon, 06/05/2024 - 22:00

1. Hypothetical Health Badge. When you resolve to start flossing every day. You don’t, of course, but even thinking about doing this is pretty impressive.

2. Reluctantly Pretentious Badge. When you start calling your significant other “partner” because no other label really fits.

3. Intimacy Badge. When you realize that the longest relationship of your life has been with the apple you carry to and from work every day but never eat.

4. Pillow Power Badge. When you realize the amount of energy it takes to resist buying inspirational throw pillows is clearly not worth it.

Mon, 06/05/2024 - 21:06
A transcript from memory of an evening conversation with my two older sons: “I heard that Jeff Bezos could run through the streets every day, throwing hundred dollar bills in the air, and he’d still be making money.” “I wonder if that’s true?” “Okay, how much is Jeff Bezos worth?” “Uh [googling]… wow, it says […]
Mon, 06/05/2024 - 17:00
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May 6th, 2024: The solution is simple

Mon, 06/05/2024 - 15:37
I regularly scan research output from disciplines other than economics that I think impacts on economic matters. On April 17, 2024, a new study from medical researchers at the Burnett Institute in Melbourne, working with staff at the Department of Health and Human Services, in Victoria published a pre-print in The Lancet – Admission Screening…
Mon, 06/05/2024 - 10:00
Kevin Drum tells everyone to buck up. Life in these United States really isn’t more miserable than it’s ever been. He posted a video of Congressman Jamal Bowman saying: Young people are TIRED. They’re tired of growing up with forever wars, with no healthcare, with crumbling infrastructure. Young people have every right to demand better from their leaders. It’s their job to. Kevin responds: Just stop it. Joe Biden ended the Afghanistan war and cut American drone strikes nearly to zero. The US is not currently fighting any major wars and in 2022, for the first time in decades, reported no civilian deaths due to US combat. Health insurance coverage has steadily increased among the young for the past decade: And infrastructure is not “crumbling” by any stretch of rhetoric.