
Mon, 27/05/2024 - 18:05
Utöver AcadeMedia ägs tre större utbildningskoncerner av utländska aktörer. Internationella Engelska Skolans huvudägare är registrerad i Luxemburg, skol- och förskolekoncernen Dibber ägs av det norska bolaget Laeringsverkstaedet som i sig ägs av ett norskt par boende i Schweiz, och förskolekoncernen Norlandia ägs av det norska investmentbolaget Hospitality Invest. Det här är aktörer som alla har […]
Mon, 27/05/2024 - 17:00
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May 27th, 2024: "As She Is Played" is an occasional

Mon, 27/05/2024 - 14:19
Hours ago Israel bombed a refugee camp in Rafah, an area Israel designated as safe four days ago, setting it ablaze – tents housing families and including the UNRWA office. You won’t see images of the horror visited on scores of people who have been killed though we can’t know exactly how many yet. The Continue reading »
Mon, 27/05/2024 - 08:19

Over 25,000 NGOs are active in Georgia, and most rely on funding from Europe and the US. A new bill aiming to reign in Western meddling has sparked furious anti-government protests explicitly encouraged by Washington. A dark political atmosphere is swirling over the Georgian capital of Tbilisi, and grows more ominous by the day. Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze has been told by an EU commissioner he will suffer the fate of Robert Fico, the Slovakian leader still fighting for his […]

The post US-EU assets pushing color revolution in Georgia first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post US-EU assets pushing color revolution in Georgia appeared first on The Grayzone.

Mon, 27/05/2024 - 08:00
This is a good idea, especially if you live in a swing state. From Simon Rosenberg: The Importance of Voting on Day 1 – Our elections have changed a lot in recent years. Most voters can now vote early in person or with no-excuse mail ballots. This has made it far easier for people to vote which is one reason we’ve seen such a big increase in turnout in recent years. It also has forced our campaigns to move away from Election Day focused get out the vote programs, and begin our work to get our folks to vote much earlier. The recognition that our Election Day is now as Tom Bonier calls it “just the last day of voting” is central to why Team Biden asked to move the debates up this year. People start voting on September 20th, and it was smart to move the debates to before people started voting. This new early vote electoral system is important for Democrats, who traditionally have more episodic and new voters in our coalition. This extra time to do GOTV allows us, if we have the money and the volunteers, to reach down and touch more less likely voters than we could in the past, and this increases our turnout and helps us win.
Mon, 27/05/2024 - 05:00
Former Washington Post editor Len Downie sounds a warning to the American press: “I say up front, openly and proudly, that when I WIN the Presidency of the United States, they and others of the LameStream Media will be thoroughly scrutinized for their knowingly dishonest and corrupt coverage of people, things, and events,” Donald Trump posted on Truth Social in September in an attack on NBC News. “The Fake News Media should pay a big price for what they have done to our once great Country.” What could Trump do to the news media and their ability to inform the American people? Judging by what he did in his first term, plenty. As president, he habitually attacked the news media and individual journalists as “fake news” and “the enemy of the people,” undermining public trust in the fact-finding press. The irony of him saying that when we now have testimony under oath that he was personally involved in manufacturing dirt on his opponents in collusion with the owner of the National Enquirer is too thick to slice. He literally concocted fake news about Marco Rubio. Ted Cruz and Hillary Clinton.
Mon, 27/05/2024 - 04:59
When asked to compare life in apartheid South Africa with conditions in occupied Palestine, Nobel Laureate Archbishop Desmond Tutu’s judgement ran counter to prevailing orthodoxy. People make the comparison, said Tutu, but life in Palestine is far more brutal and repressive than in apartheid South Africa. A moral equivalency argument, that one side is no Continue reading »
Mon, 27/05/2024 - 04:58
For Australia, the urgent challenge is when will we act independently and not be associated with war crimes and genocide. With unaccustomed speed, the international courts have risen to the occasion, responding to global outrage at Israel’s devastation of Rafah and its Defence Force’s murderous assaults on Palestinians. But Australia has not. This week, Western Continue reading »
Mon, 27/05/2024 - 04:58
We must make it clear to the current Israeli administration that our nation can no longer accept its actions and certainly do not “share its values “ Since January 26, 2024 the International Court of Justice (ICJ) has urged the State of Israel to respond to its responsibilities as a democracy and United Nations member Continue reading »
Mon, 27/05/2024 - 04:58
I can not think of a greater tragedy in existence than to allow the greed of a few to destroy all life on earth. “What is it going to take?” It’s the question I whisper as I do the dishes. It’s the question that ticks along in my mind with the indicator at traffic lights. Continue reading »
Mon, 27/05/2024 - 04:57
The High Court decision in the ASF17 case removed the apparent driver for the government’s sledgehammer immigration removal legislation. There is little evidence that the legislation would work as intended. A sledgehammer is not much use for a problem which is more akin to undoing a couple of tight screws. The government should drop the Continue reading »
Mon, 27/05/2024 - 04:56
Today the International Criminal Court has been officially called to investigate Ursula von der Leyen for complicity. Reasonable grounds exist to believe that the unconditional support of the president of the European Commission to Israel – military, economic, diplomatic and political – has enabled war crimes and the ongoing genocide in Gaza. The Hague (The Continue reading »