
Thu, 23/11/2023 - 01:00
“Unrelenting, top-to-bottom negativity” Philosopher Linus van Pelt famously lamented, “There’s no heavier burden than a great potential!” It’s a burden Democrats carry too. Supporters and leaners are easily upset. Not so with Republicans. They anger us, sure, but because we expect so lttle of them they cannot disappoint us the way our friends can. It is a dynamic David Roberts, a.k.a. Dr. Volts, wrote about in a thread on Sunday. A Washington Post profile of voters in Door County, Wisconsin (pop. 30k) finally pegged his P.K.E. meter. Roberts writes (bolding mine): This article is worth examining closely. It’s a classic “visit a swing county to hear about politics” piece, so it forces itself to be even-handed & “pox on both houses,” but if you read closely you can glimpse something else.… Why are they upset?
Thu, 23/11/2023 - 00:10

Originally published November 26, 2003.

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Q: A caller just said she forgot to baste every 10 minutes. I advised her to serve the turkey anyway. Was I correct?

A: Not at all. The turkey is merely the vehicle for the basting. In a recent poll, nine out of ten people would rather sit down at the table and suck on the end of a baster full of buttery juices than gnaw at some dry old wing. Bad call.

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Q: I just overheard my coworker advising a home cook to truss the bird. I arrived late at the “Talk Turkey” seminar last week and missed the trussing segment. Can you advise?

Wed, 22/11/2023 - 21:43

You may not have heard of the area of international law known as Investor-State Dispute Settlement (ISDS), through which private corporations are able to sue governments that implement legislation which constrains their profits. But this private parallel legal infrastructure is one of the greatest threats to progressive governments all over the world.  If, say, a […]

Wed, 22/11/2023 - 18:13

New major release schedule

Beginning with Drupal 10, a new Drupal major version will be released every two years in even years (2022, 2024, etc.). Each major version will receive active support for about two years, followed by maintenance support and security coverage for about two more years. Each is supported until two more major versions have been released.

Chart illustrating the overlapping support of Drupal minor and major versions from 2024 to 2027, explained below.
This is an example.
The exact schedule varies, and will be published on the Drupal core release schedule.

Wed, 22/11/2023 - 17:06
It’s Wednesday, and today I discuss a recently published analysis that has found that Australian privatised electricity network companies are recording massive supernormal profits because the government has been to slack in its regulatory oversight. Electricity prices have been a major driver of the current inflationary episode and we now have analysis that shows where…
Wed, 22/11/2023 - 16:59

NATO’s stealth takeover of the tiny but geopolitically significant nation represents the Balkans’ latest submission to US global hegemony. On October 31st, Montenegrin lawmakers formally approved a coalition government comprised of pro-European, pro-Russian and pro-Serbian parties. Immediately, Prime Minister Milojko Spajic declared his intention to ramp up Podgorica’s effort to join the European Union. The coalition hinges on support from a party alliance called For A Better Montenegro. The bloc’s leader, Andrija Mandic, agreed to support Spajic’s government in return […]

The post Hostile takeover: NATO’s annexation of Montenegro first appeared on The Grayzone.

The post Hostile takeover: NATO’s annexation of Montenegro appeared first on The Grayzone.

Wed, 22/11/2023 - 11:30
“It was a magical evening” Trump doesn’t believe in any of this religion stuff. But he believes in MAGA and if they love him, he loves them. They can have whatever they want as long as it benefits him personally. It works out great for everyone — except the sane, decent people of this country and the world: CHRISTIAN NATIONALISTS WERE out in force at Mar-a-Lago on Friday night, once again demonstrating their proximity to MAGA power. Lance Wallnau — the chief promoter of a “Seven Mountains Mandate” for right-wing Christians to seize control over government and culture — was dressed in a tux and streaming live to his 1 million Facebook followers. The black-tie event was the America First Policy Institute gala at Trump’s Palm Beach estate, where the former president was soon to speak.