
Tue, 21/11/2023 - 06:00
Amazing what happens when you help turn a monster into a star The Washington Post reports on the befuddlement of the former Trump administration figures who have revealed his ignorance and corruption who can’t figure out why he’s still so popular with the base: John F. Kelly, the longest-serving chief of staff in President Donald Trump’s White House, watches Trump dominate the GOP primary with increasing despair. “What’s going on in the country that a single person thinks this guy would still be a good president when he’s said the things he’s said and done the things he’s done?” Kelly said in a recent interview. “It’s beyond my comprehension he has the support he has.” Kelly, a retired four-star general, said he didn’t know what to do — or what he could do — to help people see it his way. “I came out and told people the awful things he said about wounded soldiers, and it didn’t have half a day’s bounce. You had his attorney general Bill Barr come out, and not a half a day’s bounce. If anything, his numbers go up. It might even move the needle in the wrong direction.
Tue, 21/11/2023 - 05:00

Every Thanksgiving, I watch the greatest comedy of all time: Planes, Trains and Automobiles. It’s beautifully written, intelligently directed, and the cast is absolute perfection. There’s just one thing that always bugs me.

Why didn’t eagles take them to Chicago?

You wouldn’t believe the rabbit holes I’ve been down searching for some kind of logical solution to this gaping plot hole. Many people say the blizzard in Chicago would mean the eagles couldn’t land safely at O’Hare. Others say the title Eagles, Eagles and Eagles isn’t nearly as memorable. These feeble attempts at clarification are the very definition of clutching at straws. Alas, the PTA fandom has yet to provide me with the answers I seek.

Tue, 21/11/2023 - 04:59
“Today I serve my country. And the question I have for you, Anthony Albanese is, ‘Who do you serve?’” – David McBride On Monday November 13, I joined the throng of media and David McBride supporters, crowding the courtyard outside the ACT Supreme Court. It was the start of The Afghan Files prosecution of military whistleblower Continue reading »
Tue, 21/11/2023 - 04:58
At the end of October, three weeks after the brutal Hamas attack on Israeli civilians and soldiers that killed around 1200 people, US President Joe Biden said that he still firmly believed in the justness of the two-state solution for Israelis and Palestinians. Two states for two peoples. “There’s no going back to the status Continue reading »
Tue, 21/11/2023 - 04:56
Peak Palestinian advocacy organisations condemn allegations against visiting UN human rights expert. The Australian Friends of Palestine Association (AFOPA) and the Australia Palestine Advocacy Network (APAN) condemn the statement circulated by the Australia Israel and Jewish Affairs Council (AIJAC) in response to the National Press Club address by the visiting UN Rapporteur on the situation Continue reading »
Tue, 21/11/2023 - 04:55
The use of immigration detention in Australia has expanded well beyond its original intended purpose. It has become a political tool, a convenient proxy for dealing with issues that should be dealt with in other parts of government and a vehicle for delivery of immense cruelty. There was a certain inevitability that the High Court Continue reading »
Tue, 21/11/2023 - 04:54
People often say that we get the politicians we deserve, but I am not sure that even the Australians who voted no at the recent referendum deserve what passed for political leadership and quality representation that has been on recent display. The conduct of the Albanese government in succumbing to Peter Dutton-inspired panic about hardened Continue reading »
Tue, 21/11/2023 - 04:52
At a recent Innovation Forum, the Minister for Government Services, the Hon Bill Shorten, volunteered the observation that the Australian research and innovation community is in danger of becoming an “echo chamber”, if it wasn’t already. The term echo chamber invokes an image of a community isolated from dissenting opinions, thus reinforcing pre-existing beliefs. This Continue reading »
Tue, 21/11/2023 - 04:51
Andy Park, the host of Drive on ABC Radio National, asked one of his guests the following question about Albanese’s visit to China: ‘Scoring an invitation to go to Beijing is obviously a coup for Mr Albanese. Obviously, much was said and done under the table diplomatically speaking. … Do you think the average Australian Continue reading »
Tue, 21/11/2023 - 04:30
And they have plenty of other friends in high places too The Iowa caucuses are right around the corner and even Donald Trump has deigned to appear in the state recently despite his obvious belief that it’s beneath him to have to compete for the nomination he, and everyone else, knows is already his. But he does enjoy his rallies and he’s clearly decided that it’s time to gather the flock just to make sure they all know what’s expected of them. Here’s a sample of what he’s talking about on the campaign trail these days: Hannah Knowles of the Washington Post reported from the rally: Children wandered around in shirts and hats with the letters “FJB,” an abbreviation for an obscene jab at President Biden that other merchandise spelled out: “F— Biden.” During his speech inside a high school gym in Fort Dodge, former president Trump called one GOP rival a “son of a b—-,” referred to another as “birdbrain” and had the crowd shrieking with laughter at his comments on Rep. Adam B.
Tue, 21/11/2023 - 04:03
Briefing for the Report Stage, November 2023 DATA BILL WILL SET BACK UK ECONOMY AND RIGHTS The Data Protection and Digital Information (DPDI) Bill will have its report stage in Parliament on November 29 2023. In this briefing, we explain how the Bill weakens data rights, lowers scrutiny and accountability, unduly expands Government powers and […]