
Fri, 06/10/2023 - 00:00
The Republic of Artsakh has gone, but what was it? From the perspective of Azerbaijan’s government, and probably that of international law, Artsakh was an illegal entity. In Armenia it was held up as a critical part of the modern Armenian state, to be defended on that basis and because of the obvious desire of the population now living there not to be ruled by Azerbaijan.
Fri, 06/10/2023 - 00:00
Only when a dictatorship actually attacked the Church and distanced itself from Christianity did it alienate the papacy, but even the actions of Hitler’s Germany in this direction were insufficient to bestir Pius XII. The pope’s main concern was always to preserve the interests of the Church as an institution: its property, its assets, its prerogatives.
Fri, 06/10/2023 - 00:00
If le Carré saw that the secret services on both sides of the Cold War had a shared interest in keeping hostilities simmering, Mick Herron gets similar mileage from the idea of the enemy within: not in the sense of a mole working for a foreign power, or the way Margaret Thatcher thought of the miners, but of conflicts between ambitious actors struggling for supremacy at one government agency or another.
Thu, 05/10/2023 - 23:46
by Dave Rollo

Think about the county where you live. Picture your favorite streets, event spaces, scenery, or terrain. If you’ve lived there awhile, chances are you know what makes it great: the natural, cultural, and commercial places whose characteristics make your community special to you and your neighbors.

Your connection to them becomes part of your sense of place. You delight in taking visiting family and friends to these special sites and you lament changes that threaten or despoil them.

The post What Makes a County Great? appeared first on Center for the Advancement of the Steady State Economy.

Thu, 05/10/2023 - 23:00

“A new personal finance trend has TikTok users recommending humorous new ways to rethink their spending habits. We’ve all justified unnecessary purchases before, but now social media has labeled the habit as ‘girl math.’” — CBS News

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US Government Math
If you run out of money, print more.

Hollywood CEO Math
If you spend $50 million on one film starring Timothée Chalamet and use AI to replicate his likeness in perpetuity, you really spent only one dollar per hair flip. If you use AI to write the movies, too, they’re practically free, and you can buy yourself a bigger yacht.

Crypto Bro Math
The more dates you spend mansplaining how crypto works, the more your DoucheCoin is worth.

Airlines Math
If your flight is delayed five hours, you owe us an extra two hundred dollars.

Thu, 05/10/2023 - 22:59

As a parent, my mornings are spent trying to appease my children’s finicky and inconsistent food preferences, digging mashed, soggy Cheerios out of carpeting, and overriding the time controls on the kids’ tablets over and over again as my wife and I attempt to eke out a moment of rest. Don’t get me wrong, I love my children. But I miss easing into the day. I miss brunch. Mornings overflowing with bellinis and mimosas. Avocado toast. Dining al fresco at a hip downtown restaurant. Soaking up the laughter of my friends and the rays of a soft spring sun. Not feeling guilty for drinking before noon. Not worrying if the day will come to a crashing halt because a child finds an errant onion in their omelet or suddenly realizes, for no reason at all, that they need a Band-Aid.

Thu, 05/10/2023 - 22:02
On October 12, the UK extension (Data Bridge) to the EU–US Transatlantic Data Privacy Framework (DPF) will come into force. This is a voluntary scheme US companies can use to share personal data freely with the EU, and it was introduced after the European Court of Justice (CJEU) found that the previous framework, the Privacy […]