The Fribbles are canonically “knee high to a grasshopper,” but the grasshopper in question is very large and has abnormally long shins. Please keep this in mind when the Fribbles go on adventures. They are not so small that a Tic Tac would be a particularly filling meal for them, but they cannot reach high shelves (unless those shelves are in a home made for a ladybug, in which case, it would not be merely plausible, but likely).
Fribbles are the personification of caring and love. When two Fribbles meet on the road, they always make time to inquire about any health issues the other Fribble may struggle with, whether said issue be a toe stubbed on a dandelion, or advanced pancreatitis. Their traditional greeting is ALWAYS, “Hi ho, my Fribble-dee-bibble-o!” after which they kiss one another full on the lips. This kiss is NOT SEXUAL and is offered in the spirit of peace and love. This is true even if they use tongue.
Fribbles have one power, and that is CARING. Caring is visualized by a “Fribbleblossom ray” that shoots from their eyes, killing their enemies.