ALEXIS O’Brien, a twelve-year-old Coffs Harbour martial arts champion, returned from the QLD State Championship Title Karate event in September with five first place State Title trophies along with an ‘Outstanding Athlete’ trophy for winning performances throughout the weekend’s competitions. With this success under her belt, she’s heading confidently into her next competition. Alexis will...
The post Alexis O’Brien is emerging as a martial arts national champion appeared first on News Of The Area.
After leading a failed military coup, a failed mercenary invasion of his country, and a non-existent presidency, Juan Guaidó gets his golden parachute at an intelligence-adjacent US university. This article was originally published by Jeremy Kuzmarov in Covert Action Magazine. Florida International University has appointed Juan Guaidó, a Venezuelan coup leader created in the U.S. regime-change laboratory, as a visiting professor. An engineer by training, Guaidó’s appointment is at the Adam Smith Center for Economic Freedom, which FIU describes as a […]
The post Failed Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó lands new gig as visiting prof at Florida International U first appeared on The Grayzone.
The post Failed Venezuelan coup leader Juan Guaidó lands new gig as visiting prof at Florida International U appeared first on The Grayzone.
Some modern image generators rely on the principles of diffusion to create images. There may be a better alternative.
The post The Physical Process That Powers a New Type of Generative AI appeared first on Nautilus.
Western countries crack down on public support for Palestinians as the atrocities mount in Gaza. The mask is off on the underlying brutality of the West’s disregard for civilian life and civil liberties, writes Elizabeth Vos.
The post Backing the Slaughter and Silencing the Critics appeared first on MintPress News.
Let’s spell this out in the simplest terms possible.
Israelis came to a land with its own native population. They wanted to live in the land and the land was not very large. (Israel is a small country.)
That required that the people who were already there be removed.
This was done in stages. Some of the early parts were done by buying the land, generally from landlords who didn’t live in Palestine, then evicting the natives. Most of it was done with violence, starting with the Nakba.
The project of Israel is to create a Jewish religious-ethnic state where there hasn’t been one for about a couple thousand years.
Those people also breed faster than Israelis.