
Mon, 29/05/2023 - 00:30
Nothing is real AI tools are the hot new toys every kid wants for Christmas. Just like crypto was the hot, new, get-rich investment? We gave a sidelong glance at using AI in political campaigns just last week. The Atlantic‘s Russell Berman offers another take beginning with the CEO of the company behind ChatGPT, OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, practically begging Congress (in Berman’s telling) to regulate his industry.  Firms hyping the new tools name-drop candidates such as former Pennsylvania Lt. Gov. John Fetterman whose campaigns have used them already. But? “I don’t remember anyone using AI for anything on that campaign,” Kenneth Pennington, a digital consultant and one of the Fetterman campaign’s earliest hires, told me. Promoters pitch generative-AI as a way for small-time candidates to campaigns like the big kids, using it “to create digital ads, proofread, and even write press releases and fundraising pitches.” And to increase the number of targeted ads and emails you spend time blocking and deleting.
Sun, 28/05/2023 - 23:00
“Texas AGs have often been scoundrels” Seems the blush is off the Texas rose (Texas Tribune): For Angela Paxton, June 1 will always be “I love you day,” the anniversary of the first time a baby-faced Baylor undergrad named Ken told her he loved her. This year, “I love you day” will have a dark cloud looming over it, as that young man, now the attorney general of Texas, faces removal from office by the state Senate — of which Angela Paxton is a member. On Saturday, the Texas House voted 121-23 to impeach Ken Paxton on a range of charges, at least one of which involved his wife, and at least one of which related to an alleged extramarital affair. Ken Paxton is suspended while the Senate decides whether he should be removed from office. Paxton’s reputation as a scoundrel did not stop him in Texas from becoming attorney general. He has been under indictment for felony securities fraud for nearly eight years. His lawyers have managed to redirect the case to friendly turf his home county and delay, delay, delay. If it wasn’t beneath him, presidential candidate Donald Trump might tap Paxton for pointers.
Sun, 28/05/2023 - 17:45
Bucolic fairytales are a threat to life on Earth. By George Monbiot, published in the Guardian 26th May 2023 No issue is more important, and none so shrouded in myth and wishful thinking. The way we feed ourselves is the key determinant of whether we survive this century, as no other sector is as damaging. […]
Sun, 28/05/2023 - 08:30
It doesn’t get any more twisted than this: Michael Flynn, Trump’s former national security adviser, appears to be launching an online community for anti-vaxxers called 4thePURE. For a lifetime founding membership of $2,500, users will be free to connect with unvaccinated singles and also gain access to a directory of “COVID-19 unvaccinated patriot businesses,” according to Insider.  In a video promoting the site, which first made the rounds on Twitter on May 9, Flynn delivers a pitch saying, “I’m honored to announce an opportunity to support a new freedom movement sweeping across the nation. 4thePURE is an online community meant to connect likeminded individuals who courageously stood against the COVID-19 jab campaign.” I hope most of them are under 60 (which I doubt) because otherwise a few of them are probably be going to be dating in the ICU.
Sun, 28/05/2023 - 07:30
DeSantis comes out for de-funding the IRS It makes my head hurt when I think of how the wingnuts capitalized on a few left wing activists saying “defund the police” whenever I hear these calls to “defund” everything from the FBI to DHS to the IRS. You’d think they’d at least be a tiny bit embarrassed by the raging hypocrisy: Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis said he would be “welcoming” of a measure from Congress to defund the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) if he’s elected president next year. The comments from DeSantis, who officially announced this week that he would seek the Republican presidential nomination in 2024, came during a conversation with radio host and Second Amendment advocate Dana Loesch on The Dana Show. During the interview, DeSantis was asked whether he would sign a measure from Congress to abolish the IRS through funding means, as well as what he would replace the system with. “Are you for a far tax, a flat tax, where do you stand on that?” Loesch asked DeSantis. “So, the answer’s yes.
Sun, 28/05/2023 - 06:00
I’m sure you’ll recall that Elon Musk recently held a little event with Ron Desantis. It didn’t go well. But that doesn’t mean Ron isn’t grateful: FLORIDA GOV. RON DeSantis (R-FL) signed a bill regarding spaceflight on Thursday just one day after he announced his presidential run in a glitch-filled interview with Elon Musk on Twitter Spaces. DeSantis signed into law CS/SB 1318 – Spaceflight Entity Liability along with 27 other bills. The law exempts “spaceflight entity from liability for injury to or death of a crew resulting from spaceflight activities under certain circumstances.” The measure also requires “a spaceflight entity to have a crew sign a specified warning statement.” Florida is a known launching point for SpaceX aircrafts, and the new law could potentially shield Musk and other space flight companies from being sued for accidents that injure or kill crew members.
Sun, 28/05/2023 - 05:47

SAWTELL Public School (PS) is moving forward with building an outdoor Gumbaynggirr community cultural learning area in memory of Uncle Mark Flanders. “The Rotary Club Of Sawtell is proud to be supporting this project and to this end has donated $5,000 towards its construction,” Sawtell Rotarian Alan Freedman told News Of The Area. Advertise with...

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Sun, 28/05/2023 - 05:45

THE new President of the Coffs City Probus Club, Jane Newell, has been speaking out about what the club offers, in a recent interview on Coffs Harbour community radio station, 2AIRFM. Hosting the interview, Ken Capps who is the recent past-President of Coffs City Probus, felt it would be a good opportunity to tell people...

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Sun, 28/05/2023 - 05:43

BECAUSE of the success of the ‘On the road, 65Plus workshop’ held earlier this month, Transport for NSW are offering another workshop on June 7. Julie Crocker, from Drivewise Training School, will again conduct a free road safety workshop to help people aged 65 or over make safer choices when driving, walking, using a mobility...

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Sun, 28/05/2023 - 05:41

THE Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals (RSPCA) is calling on all local ‘superheroes’ to assemble for the Million Paws Walk this Sunday, May 28, from 9am until 2pm, at the Park Beach Reserve, Coffs Harbour. Because every superhero needs a sidekick, the RSPCA urges people to bring their furry best friend...

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Sun, 28/05/2023 - 05:37

MINISTER for Agriculture and Regional NSW Tara Moriarty made a welcome surprise visit to the Landcare NSW State Gathering where she confirmed the NSW Government’s commitment to providing Landcare with almost $59m for its 2023-2027 program, almost trebling the investment on the 2019-2023 program which received $22.5m. Larry Langman was in attendance as Secretary of...

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Sun, 28/05/2023 - 05:29

MORE and merrier, the festival to mark the completion of the Bellingen Memorial Hall makeover brings added acts to the celebrations than originally planned. Following delays earlier in the year owing to timing required for the final touches to the refurbishment of the town’s treasure, the celebration series of performances is even more anticipated. Advertise...

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Sun, 28/05/2023 - 05:00

DOCUMENTARY editor Jane St Vincent Welch, who lives in Bellingen, proudly worked on a film that is coming on tour to Sawtell and Coffs Harbour cinemas in mid-June. The film is called Audrey Napanangka and will be accompanied by director Penny McDonald and Audrey, the star of the doco. Advertise with News of The Area...

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